Martial Arts Magazines?

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
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Are there any worth reading? I'd like to subscribe to something but it seems most people say the ones out there are crap. What do you subscribe to? Any recommendations? Thanks.
Yes, JAMA is great! Another good one is Classical Fighting Arts published by Dragon Associates, the same people who've published Harry Cook's outstanding Shotokan: a Precise History, pretty much universally recognized as the gold standard for Karate (and, more generally, MA) history. A lot of the folks who have written for JAMA (or have served on its terrific editorial board) also write for CFA. In the recent issue, for example, Stanley Henning has a long paper on the roots of the Boddhidarma's-visit-to-the-Shaolin-Temple legend, which, as he shows, is not only just that—another apochryphal story—but is also of surprisingly recent vintage. There are some excellent papers by Cook on the history of kata, and so on. It's nothing at all like a lot of the mags, which are basically nothing more than vehicles for advertising and self-promotion (you know, the usual suspects... :rolleyes:). So that's another one with a very good info-to-promo ratio...
For MMA try Fighters Only, it's only sale in the US now as well as a digital version. It's a quality magazine, been going for about four years now. Rosi Sexton among others writes for them. You can read a copy for free here...
Yes, JAMA is great! Another good one is Classical Fighting Arts published by Dragon Associates

Unless one's interests are more specialized, as with the MMA suggestion, this is my advice too. The emphasizes Okinawan arts and related Chinese and Japanese systems but seems to be broadening its focus somewhat.
Yes, JAMA is great! Another good one is Classical Fighting Arts published by Dragon Associates, the same people who've published Harry Cook's outstanding Shotokan: a Precise History, pretty much universally recognized as the gold standard for Karate (and, more generally, MA) history. A lot of the folks who have written for JAMA (or have served on its terrific editorial board) also write for CFA. In the recent issue, for example, Stanley Henning has a long paper on the roots of the Boddhidarma's-visit-to-the-Shaolin-Temple legend, which, as he shows, is not only just that—another apochryphal story—but is also of surprisingly recent vintage. There are some excellent papers by Cook on the history of kata, and so on. It's nothing at all like a lot of the mags, which are basically nothing more than vehicles for advertising and self-promotion (you know, the usual suspects... :rolleyes:). So that's another one with a very good info-to-promo ratio...

Yes this is a also a very good publication. However, it is quarterly...only 4 issues per year, if i am not mistaken. Very well researched articles...and Cook's stuff is always top of then line.
Thanks for the excellent recommendations everyone. It sounds like The Journal of Asian Martial Arts is a favorite for many. I'll check out the other titles too, but I'm liking the sound of the fav. :)
The Journal of Asian Martial Arts is very, very good with a minimum of advertising.
Almost all the rest just are one big advertisment!
JAMA and CFA are the ones that I read all of the time. I also pick up TKD times, but that is because it is the only magazine that focuses on TKD. It gets very annoying at times, but there are some good articles in there every now and then. I stumbled across a magazine called "Masters" or something that came with a DVD, it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, I can't find anywhere else that sells that mag.
JAMA and CFA are the ones that I read all of the time. I also pick up TKD times, but that is because it is the only magazine that focuses on TKD. It gets very annoying at times, but there are some good articles in there every now and then. I stumbled across a magazine called "Masters" or something that came with a DVD, it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, I can't find anywhere else that sells that mag.
I've picked up 'Masters' at Borders and Barnes & Noble.
I was at one of each today and couldn't find either JAMA or CFA, though Borders usually has both.
Journal of Asian Martial Arts is by far my favorite. It's hit or miss at both Borders and B&N in my area too. You can always subscribe or you can find it through BudoVideos. They also have Masters magazine and several others.

Masters Magazine is sold at Barnes&Noble, Books A Million and I think maybe Borders. Also available through subscription!

Black Belt Mag is the grand-daddy of them all. Still very worthwhile. IMO.

I agree that Black Belt is the grand-daddy of them all, but I think the older issues were way better then the current ones. There are some good articles in there, but way too many advertisements for my taste.

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