Krabi Krabong USA


Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Hi folks, new to the forum and thought I might start here for my first official post. I'm not finding a lot of information here about Krabi Krabong (not surprising due to it's limited availability) and thought I might start with listing some of the known instructors here in the states.

From the information that I have:

Arjarn Steve Wilson (in Wash/Oregon)
Arjarn Michael DeLio
Arjarn Vincent Giordarno (NYC)
Arjarn Jason Webster (TX)
Arjarn Arlan Sanford (New Mexico?)
Arjarn Pedro Villalobos (I believe currently in Thailand)

Please ad to the list if I'm missing anyone.



Purple Belt
Jul 27, 2002
Reaction score
There are more than that I believe such as alfonso tamez, anthony james, rabinowitz, allessandri off the top of my head. Many unknown of which I have a list but not with me as I am traveling

Also that is one line only of krabi krabong, the buddhai sawan line you are representing with that list, there are alot other systems that have instructors as well here in the US. The late headmaster Thonglor of the sitarait school's son lives in the US as well, so I assume for his age, he would clearly be one of the highest graded traditional thai masters if not highest in the US simply by virtue of age, succession, pure knowledge and years of training in that system. Many dont want to teach openly or commercially, so they are not on any lists nor want to be. Some are part of multiple lines or schools of kk.

Other systems maintain traditional school grading after years of training and not by the same sash, color ranking as the buddhai sawan. also what form of kk, physical education, combative, etc.

So this list is only one side as is any list i saw compiled in the US and doesnt represent the total picture or really highest ranks in terms of school or schools, continuous years of training, ranking etc and all that needs to be taken into account for an accurate picture.

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Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Hi Vincent, thanks for responding.
You know, I was just thinking the other day that it’s about time for me to send you my annual e-mail to check in and see how you’re doing on your projects and travels.

As far as the beginnings of my list, yes, it naturally represents/starts with the Buddhai Sawan line since that is where my exposure and training in KK comes from. My point in starting the thread was an effort to elicit responses pointing to other sources as well within the United States. I haven’t seen a listing anywhere that lists all sources and their geographic locations which would be beneficial in getting the systems and instructors a bit more exposure to a wider audience. I have no interest in starting a political debate (and I’m not saying you are) as to which lineage is more skilled, higher ranked, closer to the original source, etc… I try to steer clear of politics and focus on realistic training.

Best regards,


Purple Belt
Jul 27, 2002
Reaction score
Hi william,

As you know I am free and clear of all politics and political agendas but unfortunately that is what is what has bogged down the flow of correct or vital information because people want certain control and that has hindered kk for some time whether we like to admit that or not.

I am also in the non commercial sector and have been my entire martial arts career and my specific agenda and training personally is combatics and realism and most of my work was with the military in thailand and throughout se asia as you well know and my research and findings focus on the same pragmatic doctrine which most people shy away from and refuse to accept. I continue to train in se asia year after year to further my training and refine my research.

My point is kk was alway bogged down by agendas even in thailand where incorrect information stopped the flow of essential information because it was believed to be the end point of it. That is slowly changing.

There are different eras even in the buddhai sawan school, where early people like allessandri, tamez, james, webster contributed a lot to its early growth and now might be forgotten. Buddhai sawan method changed over time so their link to the early training is important to understanding the flow and subtle changes of that system as well as ranking structure. Some like rabinowitz despite his high rank now are totally missed.

Its important to acknowledge the different schools and different ways of training so people can get a taste finally of what the system is in all its colors if the system is to grow since it has been generally stagnant and sort of one dimensional up to this point. I think the lists that exclude many others also closes a lot of doors and is viewed very negatively in thailand and with many others so i think if we have a chance to extend that and re open doors and show a willingness to construct open resources will lift the situation out of the quagmire it is in. Sorry to say but compiling lists is often viewed as political and with agenda unless they are open and full resources. That is only my personal point of view on it.

My point was also if lists where to be made then it would also be very beneficial at this point for them to constructively be very focused as to what school and what specifically is taught by each individual. I think this would be an important contribution to a resource to just open up the avenue not to get into this is better than that or who is higher ranked but simply here are other ways to do it and where you can train it. I used as illustration that a very highly ranked kk master lives in the US and in the future might be a resource if he feels he wants to come out and teach and in a compilation of instructors or headmasters he would certainly have to be acknowledged whether he wants to be listed as not teaching or whatever. This will help alot.

You can email me when I get home to add to your list also I would guess to see who is active vs inactive some like myself dont teach openly at all and contact info for all those want to teach or who accept students. I know jason webster is teaching again and arlan had a small backyard class. I know also there are students at this point of some of the instructors who are quite capable of teaching as well who should be added. Many who also come in from thailand especially military contact me and sometimes they are here and can teach people, so updates like that can be added as well to the resource.

I feel your posting is a constructive one and I will contribute to it when I can. I just wanted to air certain grievances I had about past attempts at lists which fell very short of being an open resource. I certainly feel complimented that my name is always acknowledged although personally rank means very little to me but I feel many others are more than worthy as well despite their affilitation to other schools or teachers which in the end is just Krabi Krabong to me in all its flavors. Hopefully others will contribute as well. I will try and email others to get info in when I have time.

Lets keep this thread up and active.

Be well
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Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Hi Vincent,

I appreciate your willingness to consider the thought of starting a KK resource. I would agree that any such source should be all inclusive and free from political agendas. I personally would love to see Krabi Krabong become more prominent here in the States and that will need to start with openness to all lineages that are represented. I agree with you in that it should include recognition of those who do not teach publicly as well. At least in this way anyone interested in learning KK could see an unbiased listing and find the closest active instructor, and/or give them choices if they happen to be in an area that may have more than one.

Up to this point, over the years I’ve come across a number of people (mostly on-line) who expressed interest in KK but had no clue as to where an instructor could be found. I would point them in the direction of the sources I was aware of but I always figured there had to be more out there. At least in this way, we give recognition to those who have put in the blood, sweat, and years, and make available sources for those who express interest and will eventually help KK grow and carry on.

I’m reminded of the Aesop/Patrick Henry quote here: “United we stand, divided we fall”. In the event we can’t all come together, at least we can strive to have KK flourish (as you stated) in all its flavors.

Best regards,


Purple Belt
Jul 27, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks for your insights, William.

Understand KK fell in the America because of political agenda in my view having tracked it since the early days. Its unfortunate and all in the past so its water under the bridge. But what can we learn from that so its not repeated? I myself extracted myself from it and simply devoted myself to training and researching year after year so I am literally speaking as a person on the inside though watching very clearly on the outside.

My own teaching and training is modern but I felt late in the my martial arts career that a careful step back in time to clearly explore the se asian arts was in order and I devoted myself to that as my own personal project and continue to do so. It was startling to say the least what I uncovered and the labyrinth is still spiralling in front of me.

If people want in depth information then opening the well so to speak and accepting others will provide that not only a reservoir of information but an amount that will exceed any expectation. There will be more instructors, more schools and with that of course, I am this or I am better, but it goes with the terrain and any expansion.

Most importantly like kali, arnis and escrima, there are many different ways, regional styles, formats kk falls into. Just because someone writes on the internet or youtube that they took twenty trips to thailand or whatever and didnt find anything doesnt mean it doesnt exist. It means their skills of investigation are sorely lacking.

KK fell into the grip of the ministry of education, and the physical education department which was a way of domination and control in thailand as well as frankly financial exploitation. If you want a clear example of this, look at what they are doing with "muay boran", its simply a grade school adapted program for cultural preservation for school children, a safe format for purposes of history and physical education preservation--not a method of fighting or an active method of learning fighting or competing--thus the system minus teeth and soul. It is not the authentic systems such as muay chaiya, muay korat, muay lanna, etc so in time the ministry of education wants to dominate and control and spread their doctrine at the expense of the actual systems, lineage, removing fighting and actual battle techniques, thus rewriting it to the point that all else might vanish as their work overwrites everything and becomes truth. What is more popular at this stage a few years into this charade: muay boran or any authentic system? If you look at the numbers of practitioners, instructors and schools--its muay boran right now. So in the future who will be imprinting this as the final truth--authentic knowledge or a fabrication and reinvention of the past? This process has already taken hold with kk. And there is not one american or foreigner or anyone who understands this or accepts this or at least no one i ever read or spoke to but its what has happened and what is happening. I know my views have never been accepted by anyone in america or europe for that matter based on the daily negative nonsense I get but let one of them take even a second to do some scholarly research, put their own body in the line of fire, translate hundreds of pages of ancient texts, walk every inch north, east, south and west, train with the last survivors of these systems and they would change their views in a second and go screaming the other way like they "discovered" something.

By example, you look at kk, which has undergone that transformation already and you can only imagine what is lost and misinterpreted. Physical education kk for grade school and college is not the same as combative kk. So if people want the fighting: live sharpened steel work, footwork patterns, mental preparation, fighting on different terrain, multiple opponents-- for that then they need the schools or teachers who propagate that and those schools and teachers are slowly vanishing because either neglect or a run to create systems that the ministry of education/physical education will accept and help them financially survive. If they want a cross section or a phys ed format which has dominated the teaching then they can learn that easily. The needs and systems are there for those who want them. Physical education at the college level, had contact kk fights throughout the early period in college then they went to padding, but they complained people were getting hurt and they took it out, so even then at the phys ed level it was rough. So then it was cut down another level again, taking away the heart and teeth or what was left of it which wasnt much to begin with. I personally dont want to be a phys ed teacher, i want the actual ancient combative system of knowledge known as krabi krabong, that is the thrust of my training and knowledge. Others might pursue the kk phys ed modality and the thing is its there for those who want it and fits their particular needs. But understand both exist and live and are defined by different doctrine and training and end purpose.

So first we need to accept that, put that into perspective and allow that to sink in, understand the truth here has no agenda, it simply is what has happened to martial arts in thailand and how do we navigate those waters successfully and gain a full understanding against cultural bridges. We need to understand culturally why this happened so we just dont explode and burn it down since it is now an integral and effective way for them to teach it and they feel a great way to teach the youth about the thai past while using a popular thai martial art as a base for its physical root. But also how do we survive and extend that the way the phillipine martial arts survived and extended themselves for example? There is still growth to be had.

My own research and training is always combative and functional. Also because it would be considered the old way vs the new way(phys ed, new systems of kk). In combat,we deal with death, blood, multiple opponents and a variety of weapons. Also it means sharp steel and how to train to use it realistically or for the battlefield in this case. It is also hardwoven into a buddhist methodology often dispensed by monks and top fighters and generals of the period. So it is an interesting matrix highly woven over time. It survives only in pockets. In burma, it is slowly being lost as the burmese government uses the methodology of the chinese in control and domination by overwriting a generic wu shu type of methodolgy to it--they dont want you training with old masters or the useless past as one general put it to me bluntly. Cambodia survives the best for the time being but the current bokator phenomena(read muay boran from thailand to understand this) starts to send people away from actual masters living in the countryside some in their eighties who dont have tv or radio or much contact surviving very ancient systems intact and as the sands of the hourglass push through we see it being lost because people are led astray to something they believe is true.

People might say this really has nothing to do with creating a simple list of instructors but it does. It is the vital history and an indepth look at what I see as an inherent problem that has been overlooked for some time. But it in the end it affects and bleeds heavily into ranking structure and instructor understanding of what is taught and how. How does that ranking work and why and where does it come from.

I am sure others can add to this. But this is the very beginning hopefully of a base understanding if these concepts cant be accepted then forward movement will always jerk back to the beginning, just like someone without good basics will always falter back to the beginning and redo things that should have be solid in the first place.

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Green Belt
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Hello Vincent,

that's a lot to think of actually but that's because a lot of lies and nonsense have been spread for a long time. So I understand why it could be difficult to go back and start again for some.
As far as KK is concerned I didn't know where to go when I started since there is a lot of (mis)information I am lucky I ended with a good teacher who isn't making any claims and politics at all while most of his Thai and non-Thai 'colleagues' seem to be concerned with that in the first place.
As an Italian I cannot help thinking about the Sritrairat KK school situation.
I am happy Ajarn John will take care of the Sritrairat school in the US because in Italy things have been distorted by the wrong people, another proof that public claims of this and that are to be taken lightly.
It was like if that school and that teacher were the only real depositaries
of real KK and Thai bareknuckle-and that went on for years.
My teacher in Thailand doesn't give ranks and such, he is a traditional teacher and he hasn't received ranks either. His teachers knew when he was ready and that was it, that was enough. So I will continue being a student until he says I am able to teach, and then keep evolving on my own because this is what you do in the end. Ranking makes little sense to me, I think that knowing what a student has done under this or that teacher and is authorized to teach are enough. That's how it works really, my knife teacher learned in the streets of Naples when younger, he has no belts or ranks but I will never question his skills or his words. His actions speak so who needs belts and ranks.

It is true that the Chinese government has turned Chinese MA into exhibition and athletics, I am waiting for the day when Wu Shu will be included in the Olympics. I am not sure but I think old teachers had to flee to Taiwan and to the US in order to escape that nonsense and do their job. And they have been replaced by others who teach Wu Shu and so on-when I look at Wu Shu, the art of war, I canot picture it being used in ancient battlefields, it just a little common sense. Muay Boran and "mainstream" KK are the same unfortunately.
There are already too many who are the first to do this and that and to be this and that it makes no sense in itself. On the other hand you have those who teach their circle of students, people know who they are and that is enough. So it is very good that there are people searching deeper and bringing the real material out, or it would be slowly erased and forgotten.
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Purple Belt
Jul 27, 2002
Reaction score
Yes, the problem doesnt just exist as I stated in american alone but even in thailand so it permeates everything and Italy has been a battleground for some time. But if one truly looks beneath the surface its just a battle of ego and supremacy over skill and understanding in Italy. For people of such high "reputed" skill you would imagine the volume of concise information, tactics and translation would be staggering but its not. Its just bashing and me oriented slander.

The sitarait situation is a sad one since the late grandmaster thonglor was one of the last of the great masters and there are only a few left now. He was a true buddhist and as close to an ego less man that i ever met, he never charged a penny for his instruction his entire life. But again in time, the truth will win out despite the endless propaganda campaigns and it will show everything in a correct light because it is staggering and clearly documented. In this specific situation, it already has happily begun.

The fact that very little information is out in the open causes this actually but in time like I said within the next two years will be a lot of very well researched, trained and documented information that will come to light and it should be taken positively and openly since it will expose a wide body of knowledge for those who seek it.

These are not easy systems of knowledge to truly embody, a lot of research and translation is needed to fully complement the techniques and progressions so it springs alive in three dimensions not only for the students but the teachers.

Also as i alluded to previously the structure of the system one is taught is equally important since some were created for specific purposes like phys ed, others for a combination, some of cultural preservation through performance or theatrics, some of fighting or combatics, some are direct lineage systems to the past warriors like phra pichai, king naresuan, etc. Each is defined by the modality they were created for and propagated as its important for any instructor especially a foreign instructor to make sure you understand that part of history and development of their chosen system so he doesn't do any further distortion but contributes positively to its growth without having to back step into having to clarify mistakes or misinterpertations.

I was always very specific in what i was looking for in terms of kk as one should be in any endeavor to train in a given system and most teachers would be honest and say no its not what i teach and i think this is more important for kk or I do it because of this or that reason and they would elaborate very kindly as what they taught and why they taught it. One teacher a master of staggering ability said right out I crafted this system from my own training from my father and from those threads I went back and traced all the ancient texts and teachers to further build on the system so his honesty was a bit startling since one would ever question his ability with weapon. Only a few carried on endless subterfuge but in the light of looking back on it there was certainly reasons for them to carry on as such.

Many teachers in thailand as you said are simple in their instruction and progression towards building instructors and most are very humble and honest. The simple term kru means a lot to them and they pass their knowledge along as it was passed to them if one is humble enough to accept that. If you are lucky to find that stick with it for the long term.

Ranking along with the why and how it permeated thailand and certain teachers is another long topic for another time and something too large to tackle right now. But important all the same.


Green Belt
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
man,nothing excited me more than kabi krabong when i was young. i ran out this afternoon and pulled out all my old magazine articles onit. i actually have the tamez issues of old inside kung fu and inside karate, re reading them it sounds exactly like the same situation we are reading about now.he talks about how people are resistant to what he wants to show and talk about. it seems there was always a revolving door of people claiming to be the head one after another but nothingmuch in terms of explaining the art or really showing it more than what was already there. i recently bought the book by pedro but it was pretty generic and not much in detail or explanation. hopefully things will turn around for this amazing art. i would love to know about the other teachers and ssytems so anything like thst would be great.


Green Belt
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Vincent it's very true, I couldn't see what was what in KK at the beginning I was only interested in the techniques but as time went by I simply had to know the other aspects as well - philosophical/spiritual and historical because it's all closely related and one naturally leads to the other. Yet another reason for me now to learn the true system and keep learning.
I also think that if a teacher is bad or egotist he will influence his students who will just copy that behaviour if they aren't mentally strong, and so it spreads. I had that attitude and firmly believed that a Chinese system was the best simply because I was told so and I didn't even question it or search for info from outside.

destructautomaton I saw that Ajarn Alphonso Tamez is the oldest foreign student in the Buddhai Sawan US, I remember that I was looking for info and he was said to be teaching in the early 80's if I remember well. It's nice you kept the old issues of those magazines. Too bad history repeats itself, man never learns from that.


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
Greg Nelson in St. Paul, Minnesota really deserves to be mentioned. He was one of the first. When he had health problems some years back Steve Wilson did a benefit seminar for him.


Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Greenwich, Rhode Island

Unfortunately it’s not surprising, I think you can find a lot of this going on to varying degrees in many different martial arts systems. The human ego is something that everyone has to varying degrees, it’s just that there are some out there who can’t control it, or are so insecure that they have to put down other people and other systems to prop themselves up. The other side is the fact that the system is so hard to come by, and so little information is available that there are people who will make stuff up and/or make all kinds of claims that the average person will have a hard time verifying…and as Fede mentioned, some students take what their instructor tells them as gospel and will spread it with fervor. I can admit that I was guilty of that early in my combative arts training.

As others have mentioned, I personally find ranks meaningless and have never really cared much about them. My personal mantra, and one that I try to impart to my students is exploring and testing the combative elements. Making sure that after we drill certain principles and mechanics that we test them in as realistic manner that is possible (realizing we have to find that balance between real as possible and still safe). Can we make it work in real time with an opponent trying to take our head off? Discover which tools you can work, and which ones you can’t…or have difficulty pulling off. I think it goes a long way in removing presumptions of how things “should work” and gets closer to how things “actually” work. I personally find the spiritual and historical aspects a little harder, especially since I moved a continent away from my instructor. That is something I’ll work through and is also part of the reason I thought it was time to try and start trying to pull things together. Again, I’ll be honest and say the other reason is my children. A while back I started teaching them the aspects of KK that I had learned and they really love it. It has really rekindled that fire for the system in me. Also, when I first moved out here I kept the KK to myself and concentrated on teaching Muay Thai and Filipino systems. Once the fire was burning again I started working with a core group of my guys and they are really digging it as well. Looking back in, there isn’t much out there readily available and I think it’s time to start really trying to pull things together and shine a light on a system that we all know deep down is great.

As far as the actual mechanics of a KK resource, I’m open to suggestions. I think it’s great that Vincent feels it’s a worthy idea and has outlined pointers and possible pitfalls in doing something like this. As far as a listing goes (just to throw something out there) maybe a start could be…

Geographic Location - Name - System/Lineage - Teacher - Active (Y/N) - Public/Private - Contact Information

Again, just a start but let’s keep this going.

Best regards,


Purple Belt
Jul 27, 2002
Reaction score
I think this thread has a lot of great input and ideas. Full expression for all is the most important in any growth process and everyone should rightly contribute both pro and con.

Greg Nelson should definitely be in there, didnt Mike walrath also go with them on the first trip? I think it was mike, greg and steven. Glenn boodry as well. Steve would have further input probably on all that.


I think what combatic/realistic training taught me was the mind set to cut through through the clutter and I was able to arrive at some sort of conclusion that rapidly brought out certain truths. For me and my journey, it was always a matter of finding the teachers and systems that were developed as a functional system with a primary focus on combatic techniques rather than athletic and aesthetic approaches which I developed primarily in my youth. Function begins to have common lines across cultural barriers and the lines on the horizon suddenly become clear. The rigorous testing is also something we do in research.

In that light I explored all the realms of each system, I did take time in se asia to go to any class or visit any teacher and I took endless phys ed classes from grade school to college as well as any other method or approach to see how and why they were constructed and their structure and progression were always well thought out with a solid theory behind them. I left no stone unturned. It was not for me as I dont want to be a phys ed teacher but there was a lot to be learned about well thought structure and other applications for a system. But for children it is a wonderful format that can be expanded up into combatics. The phys ed systems of kk were specifically aimed at children giving them the full disciplined approach spiritual, ceremonial and phys ed aspects minus the violent, killing, ending material and mindset. KK has a very deep philosophy to it as does all of the se asian systems. There are some great architects of the phys ed systems of thailand who definitely deserve enormous credit and respect for their lifelong dedication to doing what they felt was important in preserving the old arts in a new format.

In the true essence of training, ego is slowly reduced and self esteem is brought up and fortified. That was something important in the doctrine especially with the younger children.

The confusion that has clouded krabi krabong for some time needs to be cleared up and not in a negative way but in a progressive way so it can extend and open up. As you can see, there are alot of avenues and paths within it. One can teach it in a myriad of ways, for the most part in the US, we have only one pathway that has been incorrectly identified and has led to enormous confusion both here and in thailand. Once the clarity takes shape people will respond to it. In the end, the survival of the older systems of knowledge are in severe jeopardy of dying out in their native land, so interest aboard usually brings interest from within.

Ranking structure in thailand is another story and I will go into that another time, but also if you look and see, kru is the old term and the highest expression of respect for a teacher.

But your ideas about the listing are quite good and your honest approach very admirable.

I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that literally everyone from the beginning has and continues to be an enormous benefit and support to my training and research from, alphonso, jason, tony moore, anthony, steven, arlan and the countless teachers, professors and students in thailand that continue to help me out. It would have been virtually impossible for me to come as far I have without them all. I am the sum product of their help, training and generosity.



Green Belt
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with you William you tend to believe your first instructors without questioning them as they are the figures you look up to and you haven't reached a proficiency level so you don't feel you can even question them. But if an instructor is all about ego and does not truly know what he teaches, it will slowly come out and affect him and some people will start to leave. It's not the style that makes the difference it's the same pattern everywhere. So yes the "Geographic Location - Name - System/Lineage - Teacher - Active (Y/N) - Public/Private - Contact Information" does make sense because as you said it can take a long time to find the true teachers and you do get lost with all the falsity and people there are in the martial world, there are so many !
I remember when I first started I didn't have a clue about styles/sifus/ajarns/guros and so all, an easy prey for almost everyone and I did lose lots of time and money with people who said they were what they were not.
With KK it's difficult since as Vincent said there are problems and confusion both in Thailand and abroad, there isn't much clarity hence the utility of the last post and of the whole thread.

As Vincent said muay is muay or chuan is chuan, and muay is chuan and chuan is muay when you have to go at it. there are of course some differences but that's the bottom line. It's difficult to grasp (I still haven't grasped that) but it slowly becomes more and more apparent with time if one just pays attention and isn't biased by styles and teachers. Quoting Bruce Lee now would be an obvious thing to do so I don't even need to do that.


Green Belt
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
look forward to the new instructors lists when they become available. Thanks to william and to vincent for answering my emails. i finally read through a good deal of vincents vanishingflame reports and i really look forward to the great info coming up on krabi krabong and the thai martial arts. its something i was looking forward to for a long time. i am hoping to get some training in and i am working on that now. thanks to all.


Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
I'm happy to be a part of this. I'm working on getting the structure set down, then it's a matter of gathering information. I'm hoping to eventually have an instructor listing, articles submitted by practitioners and instructors, as well as a gallery section. But, baby steps to begin with.

Best regards,


Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Greenwich, Rhode Island

Would you mind e-mailing me? We switched over to a new computer about a month ago and the transfer of information didn't go as well as it was supposed to. I don't have your contact info anymore.

Thank you!

william at mongrelcombativearts dot com


Green Belt
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
Had long kabikrabong weekend. watched krabikrabong:thebuddhaisawanpath dvds and reread everything i had and just got, definitely alot of info and alot to ponder and think about. had so many questions and got alot of answers from vincent and others just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to answer me. i really enjoyed this thread alot.


Yellow Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Just an FYI, I have a URL reserved and I am working on it as I can. If anyone would like to submit contact information for themselves, their instructors, or anyone around the globe teaching Krabi Krabong please PM or e-mail me.

The goal of this site is to remain neutral and present all facets of KK.

For the instructor/school listing, please submit the information in the following format:

Geographic Location - Name - System/Lineage - Teacher - Active (Y/N) - Public/Private - Contact Information

Best regards,

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