Karate Versus Bear

The only thing impressive about this was the fact that it was two bears. If it's a black bear, people fight those off all the time. That's actually what you're supposed to do, as you cannot outrun a bear and are increasing the likelihood of your own death by turning your back to it. If the bear sees you as a meal, fighting back will make you not worth the effort. But if it's a female bear with a cub that sees you as a threat to it, no amount of fighting will save you.

If it's a grizzly or polar bear, you're just done for.

Attributing this to his martial arts training is a bit of a reach. In martial arts training, you're specifically trained on the strengths and vulnerabilities of the human body. Against a wild animal, all that goes out the window.
Let me add to this. Brown bears usually don’t eat people, if attacked it’s usually best to play dead with a brown bear. Black bears west of the Rockies are generally harmless and almost always will immediately flee( I run into them often where I live.) Black bears east of the Rockies that approach people are far more dangerous and should always be met with full aggression, and should always be considered a threat. Be big and loud, carry bear spray, don’t run, don’t get between bears, don’t get between bears and their means of escape. If it’s a Polar bear, you made bad choices of neighborhood to visit.
Let me add to this. Brown bears usually don’t eat people, if attacked it’s usually best to play dead with a brown bear. Black bears west of the Rockies are generally harmless and almost always will immediately flee( I run into them often where I live.) Black bears east of the Rockies that approach people are far more dangerous and should always be met with full aggression, and should always be considered a threat. Be big and loud, carry bear spray, don’t run, don’t get between bears, don’t get between bears and their means of escape. If it’s a Polar bear, you made bad choices of neighborhood to visit.
We had an airborne operation cancelled once due to polar bears on the DZ! 😂
I always wondered what they taste like. Black bear is great!
I was never much a fan of bear meat. Gray squirrels harvested from a pecan tree are a pure delight from my childhood. I’m very particular about venison. I think duck, excluding the Peking variety, is nasty, and a chukar is the best tasting bird.
I was never much a fan of bear meat. Gray squirrels harvested from a pecan tree are a pure delight from my childhood. I’m very particular about venison. I think duck, excluding the Peking variety, is nasty, and a chukar is the best tasting bird.
If you are ever down this way, I’ll make you some duck that I guarantee you will enjoy!

Not a bear, but maybe worse (this can apply to the one in stripes or the gi - both ferocious). My mentor and teacher for 20 years, Bob Ozman. Didn't know how to crop this so you also get a view of the old dojo and Johnny Atkinson, Sensei's first black belt. I was his second.

Not a bear, but maybe worse (this can apply to the one in stripes or the gi - both ferocious). My mentor and teacher for 20 years, Bob Ozman. Didn't know how to crop this so you also get a view of the old dojo and Johnny Atkinson, Sensei's first black belt. I was his second.
Far, far worse than a bear in my opinion. Tigers are king, a wildlife org of some kind tracks one in Siberia that hunts and eats brown bears. There were pictures of his kills…
For random animal attacks. This one always impressed me.

This is my preferred method of defense against random 4-legged beasts.. Lars, the dog in this video, is 110 pounds. So probably still a puppy. My Border/Pyr is about 100. My Great Pyrenees are right at 150 and 200 pounds.


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