I got on the internet...


Senior Master
Aug 26, 2016
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Google's definition of trolling:
  1. informal
    make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

  2. fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat.
The first definition can be applied, not to me, but to others on this forum. Not once ever have I been deliberately offensive. Although sometimes it seems like my mere existence is offensive to some people (lol), it's not like I'm being provocative, meaning I do not deliberately go out of my way to annoy and offend people. However, there are indeed members on this forum who have gone deliberately out of their way to annoy and offend me. The only thing I did differently is rather than ignoring those people, I decided to entertain their fancy by engaging in the debates. They were trolling me. I wasn't trolling them. The logs will show that to be honest and true.

Hence the second definition which can be applied directly to me in this case, I guess. It's hard to sort through every fish to find a good catch. Sometimes you have to use different bait to attract all the big fish to one area so that the small fish doesn't get scared away. There I go using parables and 'fortune cookie' speak again. But you know what I mean. It's actually very common in some martial arts to use "mirroring the opponent " as a form of self-defense. That's really all I'm doing, a very basic mirroring strategy.

Back to discussing myself as an individual, however, let me see. First let me apologize again for any misunderstandings. Do I sound disrespectful? If so, I apologize. I mean no disrespect to anyone. I promise I am not deliberately being rude or offensive. I respect everyone here, even those who disrespect me. I never mean to hurt anyone's feelings. So please accept this sincere apology from someone who also has feelings.

Do I sound cocky or boastful, high and mighty? I really don't see how. But if that's some people's perception of me then again I must apologize. I know I am not the greatest. In fact, I'm not even that great. I am good, very good. But I'm not great. I'm not a master of martial art. I don't know all there is to know about martial art. I do not claim to be a master or know-it-all, nor do I go around picking fights or looking for trouble. I'm sure the logs will show that to be honest and true.

I'm not lying. So again I am deeply sorry to anyone who has this perception of me being some kind of cocky, arrogant, pretentious know-it-all or some other vulgar term. They have me entirely mistaken. I am a martial artist in training. I only speak of what I know, and if I do not know, I do not speak. Or else I will tell you I do not know. I have just as many questions as I have comments. I jump from forum to forum because I'm versatile and have training in many styles, so I have a lot of experience to share, and a lot of questions to ask. Some people asked me about my background (because at first I did not speak of it), and all I did was answer truthfully. The people I've trained with do not reflect me as a martial artist. It does not make me a better martial artist than anyone else here. Please don't get me mistaken, because that is not my intention. We are all the same here. We are all brothers and sisters, students and teachers. I can't speak for other members of this forum, but at least you have my perception.

I really hope that by making this post, it will help to clear some things up. On the internet, perspectives are everything. If I thought it would do any good I would get down on my knees and ask the opposition for forgiveness. But I am not in the habit of bowing to people who are insensitive. An older, very high-level master tried to bully me around and it didn't work. I stood up for myself and broke every rule in their tradition, not deliberately, but by my very nature. Now I seem cocky, rude, arrogant, what have you. But that was never my intention. I have nothing but the upmost greatest respect for my elders, and for other martial artists. So again I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Please forgive me. Please take all of this as being completely true and honest. Everyone has different reasons for practicing martial art. Some are interested in competing with others. I however am not. As a youngster growing up, I had a lot of anger and aggression. I was always getting into fist fights. I was young, stubborn and stupid. Here I am, many, many years later and I am still learning. I am still young, stubborn and stupid. Martial art is a personal journey for me. I am getting better at controlling my temper. I am getting better in a lot of different ways. But I am far from perfect. Not yet, I still have much to learn. My reason for practicing martial art is not to defeat other people, but to defeat my own inner-demons and emotions. The very act of being on this forum is like spiritual training for me. One of the reasons I became a security enforcement officer is because I jumped over a major fence in my life. I grew up in the ghetto. I was in the gang scene for a while. I even used drugs like marijuana and cocaine for a time period as a youngster. Street fights were just normal to me. I wasn't one of those rich prissy kids who would run home to mommy and daddy. I didn't have those kind of parents as a child. I grew up fighting. I mean no-holds-barred, no divisions or weight class, no rules or referees, straight hardcore street fighting in its purest sense. So if you think I'm cocky now, you should've saw me 15 years ago when I was a teenager (lol). Over the years, however, I have matured with the help of martial arts training. Who I am today is a direct result of that influence on my life. I became a S.E.O. because I wanted to use my skills for good reasons instead of bad reasons. At least in this way, I am being a productive member of society and not looking for trouble. It actually feels good to protect innocent people from criminals and ruffians. But I digress. Again I apologize for any misunderstandings. Please forgive me. :)
This is what you posted

"You're right, I do tend to entertain people who just want to argue for argument's sake. I must admit, sometimes I do it on purpose. Like thisthread for example. I intentionally created this thread in a moment ofhumour, knowing that a select group (not everyone, but a few) would notbe able to resist an onslaught on the OP"

Sounds a lot like the first definition to me
Mou Meng Gung Fu

Mou Meng Gung Fu

Purple Belt
Apr 11, 2017
Reaction score
This is what you posted

"You're right, I do tend to entertain people who just want to argue for argument's sake. I must admit, sometimes I do it on purpose. Like thisthread for example. I intentionally created this thread in a moment ofhumour, knowing that a select group (not everyone, but a few) would notbe able to resist an onslaught on the OP"

Sounds a lot like the first definition to me

No no no, there is a difference. Entertaining an argument (in a constructive, non-bashful way) is not the same as initiating that argument in a trolling manner. Again, please don't confuse what I was saying. And again, I apologize for any misunderstanding.


Senior Master
Aug 26, 2016
Reaction score
No no no, there is a difference. Entertaining an argument (in a constructive, non-bashful way) is not the same as initiating that argument in a trolling manner. Again, please don't confuse what I was saying. And again, I apologize for any misunderstanding.
You don't need to apologise I really don't care I'm not angry or anything I'm not sitting here punching walls like I've said before I couldn't care less if you're the reincarnation of Bruce lee or a white belt making bs claims it doesn't matter to me either way it won't affect my life just simply stating my opinion
Mou Meng Gung Fu

Mou Meng Gung Fu

Purple Belt
Apr 11, 2017
Reaction score
You don't need to apologise I really don't care I'm not angry or anything I'm not sitting here punching walls like I've said before I couldn't care less if you're the reincarnation of Bruce lee or a white belt making bs claims it doesn't matter to me either way it won't affect my life just simply stating my opinion

Fair enough. I hope some day your opinion of me will change. Until then, just keep training and do whatever it is you do. Don't let your opinions stop you from attaining personal growth and development. That's something I have to constantly tell myself sometimes, as it can be easier said than done. But I am learning. You are learning. We are all learning. Best of luck to you my friend, and to everyone on MTalk.;)


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Google's definition of trolling:

The problem of course is not 'Google's'' definition but MT's as you are here.

However, there are indeed members on this forum who have gone deliberately out of their way to annoy and offend me.

Only one and I'm pretty sure he was having a breakdown, seriously. I haven't and believe me you'd be very offended if I decided to make you so. No one is setting out to offend you, learning to handle plain spoken words isn't an art, you read them, don't assume the worst and answer honestly.

They were trolling me. I wasn't trolling them

No one has trolled you here, if you take a look at archived threads you will see that people are pretty laid back and talk as they find here.

CB Jones

Senior Master
Feb 20, 2017
Reaction score

Just some advice I learned over the years.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Them thars fightin words :D

No they're not, but I do know a few :D

On the "fightin' " words bit in Beijing. If I think you're crazy and simply say "Crazy" that's ok. If I say "You're crazy" That is a problem. If I call you a turtle...that too could be a big problem if you're married or seriously involved with a woman. If I call your wife, daughter, girlfriend, mother a chicken....well that can be big-time fightin' words. And if we are both Chinese and martial artists, and I call you a "Grandmaster", or if the one calling the Chinese guy a Grandmaster is not Chinese and taken seriously in the Beijing martial arts world, well then a fight is potentially about ti happen.
Mou Meng Gung Fu

Mou Meng Gung Fu

Purple Belt
Apr 11, 2017
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Dà bùfèn rén zài xiānggǎng bù huì chíxù liǎng fēnzhōng.
(大部分人在香港不会持续两分钟。) :cool:


Master of Arts
May 19, 2010
Reaction score
Under an Oaktree
Dà bùfèn rén zài xiānggǎng bù huì chíxù liǎng fēnzhōng.
(大部分人在香港不会持续两分钟。) :cool:


Master of Arts
May 19, 2010
Reaction score
Under an Oaktree
Wǒ bù huì chíxù zài xiānggǎng (我不会持续在香港) [I would not last in Hong Kong]
Wǒ bù huì shuō yuèyǔ (我不会说粤语) [I do not speak cantonese]
Just speak English to them. Maybe older people do not speak English but younger generation.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Just speak English to them. Maybe older people do not speak English but younger generation.

Yeah, I know, it is a side effect of being ruled by the British, many in their 70s speak english in Hong Kong and the majority there also speak Mandarin. However there was a period, pre 1997, that if you tried to use mandarin in Hong Kong they would not respond to it. However they would teach you how to ask in Cantonese and then they would respond.
Mou Meng Gung Fu

Mou Meng Gung Fu

Purple Belt
Apr 11, 2017
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