Formal Name Change Announcement

From what I understand, this is a family martial art that you're passing on to your sons. That's cool and all, I commend you for that, but here's the thing.

You should make them swear to a code to NEVER tell anyone about the martial art, its origins, or the kind of techniques they do. They should swear NEVER to use the techniques, or go into some kind of sparring match hoping to demonstrate their techniques.

I'm not questioning your credibility as a martial artist, or your ability to teach, I'm sure you're quite proficient, but putting a big mac in a burger king box doesn't make it a whopper.

Excellent advice.
On second thought I might just keep it as ninjitsu, as that name works for me.
I am a judo instructor with my black belt in that art so can I call a system I come up with "Kumite Ryu" and then say I am a Krav Maga instructor which I don't have any iota of a Krav Maga knowledge with exception of seeing the Israeli's use it in Israel when I was still in the Marine Corps?

Gee, what a neat idea.
On second thought I might just keep it as ninjitsu, as that name works for me.
Either way, we care why? Call it whatever you want. Just don't expect anyone to care, or treat you like someone who has a clue if you keep trying to post your nonsence in the Ninjutsu areas here.
He's not even answering any questions any of you have asked or defending himself. Why post a thread if he doesn't care about the responses? %think%
This reminds me of a movie I watched as a kid.

Take a look...

You should totally call your black belts.. "Kidjas" a cross between a kid and a ninja. This gives me an idea. I think I want to create a martial art and call it "Help Desk Fu". Because I feel I am a master of the help desk.


Oh to answer the actual question. Name it "Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad"
Like I said on the other thread started by the same user...

Aren't there better things to discuss on this forum than this? Why give the guy attention? He's not responding to anyone unless they attack him...which, from my experience would make him a "troll", much like others have pointed out.

I'm just thinking that maybe if he's the only one posting to his own thread, maybe he'll answer his own questions.
Either way, we care why? Call it whatever you want. Just don't expect anyone to care, or treat you like someone who has a clue if you keep trying to post your nonsence in the Ninjutsu areas here.
Sho Kashugi was closer to true ninjustu I think.
Ninpo Shugenbojutsu
Law of Patience Ascetic of Powerful Art of 6-foot Staff?

It's still not Japanese, so why not name it in English. :idunno:

Thank you for pointing out my typo, it should read Ninpo Shugen BUjutsu, I will retain both names.
Seeing as I just read this thread ( and I am not sure why I bothered) I ‘ll ask a stupid question
How about giving us a total breakdown of the full name "Kug Maky Ung Ryu Ninpo Shugenbojutsu "
I have no idea what the heck any of it is supposed to mean
If it is your own system just name it after yourself with a “do” at the end
As far as I understood it, it is a made up name which means (in a non existing childhood fantasy language) 'The warrior spirit within'.
It also has no relationship to the japanese art of ninjutsu.

If I recall correctly, the name of ninpo or ninjitsu was chosen for the coolness factor, to keep his sons interested and because the creator thought that some of the principles correlated with what we would call ninpo (though it is quite a stretch).
I have no clue where the shugenbojutsu comes from though.
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Oh, we're not bringing this back again, are we? As for shugen bojutsu/bujutsu, Jadeclouds post on the first page pretty well translates those terms. But basically, "shugen" is a religious term completely (and in some ways rather offensively) misused, bojutsu is meant to be bujutsu, meaning martial arts or skills. Pretty redundant with Ninpo also in there.
Oh, we're not bringing this back again, are we? As for shugen bojutsu/bujutsu, Jadeclouds post on the first page pretty well translates those terms. But basically, "shugen" is a religious term completely (and in some ways rather offensively) misused, bojutsu is meant to be bujutsu, meaning martial arts or skills. Pretty redundant with Ninpo also in there.

Well Chris, with the primary name being in a made up language, and the system having no resemblance or tie with ninpo whatsoever, and it not being a ryuha system, who said it had to make sense? :) Arguing about the finer details of the rest of the name is like arguing about how many angels can fit on the head of a pin
This is the thread that doesn't end ...
Yes, it goes on and on my friends.
Some people posted thinking it was better than it was ...
And they'll continue posting here forever just because ....
My mother would say: 'well, at least you're not hanging around on the street getting into trouble' :)
Helll I am sorry I brought the thread back to life. I was just trying to figure out if the name realy had any meaning other than to the original poster. I see most agree it dose not
Sorry, Tshadowchaser - not dissing you, just ... well, you know.

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