Belt whipping and kiss the dragon

Belt whipping.... sheer childish ego tripping. Why on earth do normally sensible and level headed people fall for this ersatz 'rite of passage' nonsense? Worthy of Darwin awards.
My wife looked over as I watched this. Her comment was "bunch of dickheads".

Sums it up perfectly I think.
Similar thing in kenpo after a test you get a kick to the stomach from the grading panel or just the head instructor depending on the school as you go higher through the ranks It get more powerful basically it's showing as you get higher you need to be able to take more of a shot No one would take a black belt who cries if they get a hit in the stomach seriously
HRMM now that i watched this it brings back a memory of my first introduction to a BB test initiation in the system i was training in....the phrase "Snake" was used where the head instructor (the Grand Master) would apply a snake strike to the mouth of the accepting BB. it was quite a scene, and i have never seen anything like this before. kind of made me a little scared to become a BB but no worries, after16 years and still no BB :banghead:
Similar thing in kenpo after a test you get a kick to the stomach from the grading panel or just the head instructor depending on the school as you go higher through the ranks It get more powerful basically it's showing as you get higher you need to be able to take more of a shot No one would take a black belt who cries if they get a hit in the stomach seriously

How very, very stupid. In martial arts we teach people to defend themselves not stand there like dummies being kicked by their idiot instructors. I would not want to train with anyone who would allow another person to get kicked in the stomach.

My wife looked over as I watched this. Her comment was "bunch of dickheads".

Belt whipping.... sheer childish ego tripping. Why on earth do normally sensible and level headed people fall for this ersatz 'rite of passage' nonsense? Worthy of Darwin awards.
Our Marines actually Kick each other, in the legs, for their blood stripe. This is quite tame. I like it. :)
How very, very stupid. In martial arts we teach people to defend themselves not stand there like dummies being kicked by their idiot instructors. I would not want to train with anyone who would allow another person to get kicked in the stomach.

Can I get you a tissue? :cool:
How very, very stupid. In martial arts we teach people to defend themselves not stand there like dummies being kicked by their idiot instructors. I would not want to train with anyone who would allow another person to get kicked in the stomach.

So you'd rather a black belt who falls on the floor crying if they get a tap in the stomach? I think it's more stupid not to learn to take a strike because in any fight no matter how good you are you're going to be hit so if you fall apart after taking1 shot all your skills mean nothing. Someone's can have all the kicks, blocks, punches everything in the world but if they get hit and aren't used to it they'll freeze and go into shock and won't be able to fight. If you train for self defence and don't learn how to take a shot then it's a waste of time because in any fight it's very likely you'll get hit so if you want to learn to defend you need to learn how to take it, if you're not training for self defence and just doing it to keep fit or whatever then fine tell your instructor that and you don't have to get hit but personally I'd rather learn how to deal with pain in a controlled environment than on the street getting pounded on
We don't do such. By the time they get to BB stage our students have already shown the heart and physical ability to be punched, kicked, thrown, choked, or whatever and to keep on going many times over. The respect is gained and shown throughout the many hours of training, practicing, and sparring.
We don't do such. By the time they get to BB stage our students have already shown the heart and physical ability to be punched, kicked, thrown, choked, or whatever and to keep on going many times over. The respect is gained and shown throughout the many hours of training, practicing, and sparring.
What if the person goes to test in front of a unfamiliar panel with people who don't know the person who's testing and never seen them train
Cool So it happens at all belt rankings?
From what I know of kenpo yeah it does but white belts obviously take a very gentle kick whereas black belts will take a more powerful one. Also it's different for the Individuals I mean a 4 foot 125 pound woman black belt wouldn't be kicked as hard as 265 6 foot male black belt unless of course the instructor knows the woman can take a very hard shot which of course can happen
So you'd rather a black belt who falls on the floor crying if they get a tap in the stomach?
That isn’t what was being said, or implied, and it certainly isn't the only other option as you have presented it here as being.

If you train for self defence and don't learn how to take a shot then it's a waste of time
Clearly you do not understand the realities of civilian violence, or realistic self protection, and I hope you are never asked to teach self defence to the elderly or children.