Attacked and Outnumbered


Yellow Belt
Jul 6, 2016
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
I thought I would share a an experience of mine that involved myself being attacked by a small group of individuals a couple years back. I'm hoping that by sharing this story with you all, it may be of some use to anyone else who finds themselves being outnumbered by a large group of cowardly attackers.

Back when I was 16, I was grabbed from behind and punched in the jaw by someone I couldn't see. I turned around to look at a group of four boys around my age. They started yelling racial slurs and obscenities at me and I knew right away I would have to fight. I couldn't outrun all of them, so I quickly began dodging their punches and sidestepping them as they charged forward to grab me. All the while, I'm noticing that only the fastest members of the group are able to keep up with me, so I do as follows: The first boy to reach me received a front kick to the abdomen. That brought him down. The second boy ran up to me quickly and left me little space to punch or kick, so I threw him with a harai ohgoshi. The other two boys I was able to dodge as I watched them trip and stumble over the bodies of their fallen comrades. As the fight drug on, I simply stayed loose and remembered my training from martial arts class. As my teacher said, "You can't hit what you can't touch." I used my speed to outmaneuver them and eventually school security arrived to chase the boys away and I was left to walk safely toward the subway station.
How did you get grabbed from behind then punched in the jaw? Not doubting your story at all just curious did him grabbing you cause you to turn round or did he spin you round
How did you get grabbed from behind then punched in the jaw? Not doubting your story at all just curious did him grabbing you cause you to turn round or did he spin you round
He grabbed the back of my head with his right hand and then punched me with his left. Straight hook punch to my jaw.
He grabbed the back of my head with his right hand and then punched me with his left. Straight hook punch to my jaw.
Got it, I always wonder why people do that in fights grab them before punching them I mean wouldn't it easier for the attacker to just punch without giving any warning which the grab could give. Sorry off topic lol. But where were you when this happened was it a park, a pavement, an alley way etc
Do you have an issue where you doubt everyone when they post a thread of having to defend themselves you did the same thing to me when I posted mine and yet didnt actually offer any explanation to what you actually think even when I asked for it. So do you care to share more opinion than just "hmmm" this time?
Do you have an issue where you doubt everyone when they post a thread of having to defend themselves you did the same thing to me when I posted mine and yet didnt actually offer any explanation to what you actually think even when I asked for it. So do you care to share more opinion than just "hmmm" this time?

It's all right. Some of my friends at school had a hard time believing that I had actually fought off four guys at once. It's cool.
Do you have an issue where you doubt everyone when they post a thread of having to defend themselves


you did the same thing to me when I posted mine and yet didnt actually offer any explanation to what you actually think even when I asked for it. So do you care to share more opinion than just "hmmm" this time?

No again.
The one of the few martial arts style I trained, over the many years I have been at this, that specifically had us take on multiple attakers was Jujutsu. I liked that training.
Memory is a weird thing, particularly under great stress. Most people remember the big stuff, but to recall a stressful situation in as much detail as the OP is a bit of a red flag. Could it happen as described? Sure. Maybe. But it's been our experience here (mine, at least) that when stories are as detailed as above, they are often works of fiction. So, when Bill Mattocks says, "Hmmm," that's exactly my thought as well.

True story. I got into a fight with a small group of guys outside my high school. I don't remember much. Mostly, I recall I was getting pounded pretty good, but wasn't too concerned for my life until I saw a knife. When I saw that, my reaction was to literally run straight into traffic on 23rd Ave. Seriously. That's what my brain said was the best thing to do. I bolted out onto a busy arterial and tried to keep cars and busses in between me and that knife until he backed off. Then I went into the office to wait for the cops to arrive.

30 years later, I can't remember what the guys looked liked. Heck, I THINK it was three guys, but I can't recall for sure. I do recall what the Metro bus driver looked like when I ran out in front of his bus, and also that it was right in front of this Ezell's Fried Chicken, which was really good and had awesome sweet rolls.


Anyway, as you can tell, my memory of the event is pretty funny. I recall punching the guys and getting punched. I remember that my shirt was stretched out from rolling on the ground. I remember the knife, and the bus, and "Hey, there's Ezell's." That's mostly it.

I could write a narrative about trading punches, artfully dodging this, trapping that or what have you, but it would be make believe.
True story. I got into a fight with a small group of guys outside my high school. I don't remember much. Mostly, I recall I was getting pounded pretty good, but wasn't too concerned for my life until I saw a knife. When I saw that, my reaction was to literally run straight into traffic on 23rd Ave. Seriously. That's what my brain said was the best thing to do. I bolted out onto a busy arterial and tried to keep cars and busses in between me and that knife until he backed off. Then I went into the office to wait for the cops to arrive.
Hmmm. :D
Do you have an issue where you doubt everyone when they post a thread of having to defend themselves you did the same thing to me when I posted mine and yet didnt actually offer any explanation to what you actually think even when I asked for it. So do you care to share more opinion than just "hmmm" this time?

Is seems ironic that you were the first to shed some doubt, but criticize others for it.
@ Steve: As I am sure you know, different people react in different ways to stressful situations. Memory of stressful situations is the same. Some will remember nothing but the punches, blocks, and counter-attacks. Others may not remember much about that, but be able to describe in detail what assailants were wearing and their physical features. Some may insert memories of another incident, and truly believe it to be part of a different incident. I'm not saying the OP did or didn't do anything, just pointing out he may be relating things and he 'remembers' them.

But it is interesting how many seem to doubt his story.
Is seems ironic that you were the first to shed some doubt, but criticize others for it.
Yep because I actually stated my issues not just leaving a vague hmmm and anyway I haven't said anything about this person or anyone else just ironbear and that was only after his 5th thread of him fighting and beating someone

When you're old(ish)....younger guys from your past will say "Remember the time..." and go on and on about one of the coolest experiences of their lives, and get all exited recounting it to others....which you don't really remember much of any more, because it was just another day dealing with......whatever.

When you're young(ish) and something happens that you haven't had a lot of experience in, sometimes you remember detail after detail, some of which are completely mundane.

In either case - sometimes you don't remember things correctly. Which is why eye witness testimony is many times really, really off.

But I sure would like some of that fried chicken and sweet rolls Steve was talking about. HmmmmYummm.