A few videos from years of training, but light.

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
Reaction score
Northern California
You wanna know where that flurry clip came from? Off a video I did called "old tricks", where I was amusing my self doing a few things I hadn't done in 20 years. Including some flying and spinning kicks that I determined by 1972 had no place in a street fight. "Old tricks" was an amusement, but i liked the slow-mo. I felt is was a reasonable place to start...but I doubt you'll read this

Let me tell you something about taking on gangbangers with weapons downtown. All that technique you rely on, you can can it. The only way you can survive it is with the spontaneity of doing things you've never considered. Those guys are trained and do it all the time. The ones I encountered traveled in packs of three. The third one hung back to sneak up from behind. I was fortunate I'd seen their technique previously. You can't use much of anything you've practiced...or you'll get cut to pieces. You've got to put them down fast (sometimes putting one in the path of the others can help) with a high degree of movement. That's exactly why I learned and mentioned the use offense and defense in one action. I was doing that by 1976, after beginning my training in 1969.
Oh do please inform me of the ecology of “downtown gangbangers”. Which particular downtown are you referring to? To which year are you referencing?

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
Reaction score
Northern California
Why do you think I'm trying to covince anybody I'm right? My attitude is the people that can see anything they can understand, will. The rest only get in the way of that process.

Some people are not capable of the receptivity it takes to move at the same time as an opponent, like a mirror.. What are they going to see? Nothin'. That's ok, everybody has their own process. What works for one person might be foolish for another. In that regard, there is no standard that works for everybody. I've also seen natural fighters that don't use any training standards, they're just naturally good at it.

The whole idea that anybody needs to train one way or the other is nonsensical.

From my little clip, one guy noticed I was using vertical punches (no fist rotation). That's observent. I went further into that topic. I don't think anybody bothered to read that.
No one wants to send hate your way, but if you want to engage in serious discussion of your methods, you need to be able to take your ego out of the equation. Many very experienced martial artists and teachers of varied backgrounds participate here. Each have their own nuanced take on martial arts. Most often, there are heated disagreements on fine points and wide generalizations. Much can be learned here if your skin is thick enough to deal with controversy, and you are willing to listen.


Purple Belt
Jan 8, 2023
Reaction score
Well I appreciate the thinking process of objectiveness. I was just having some fun at the bag, but the structural element of the combination is something I keep in my muscle memory. That's the biggest reason I practice it. In a real fight, typically the first stike in this combination knocks down a punch, the second strike either is a punch or quite a few times, used to grab hold of whatever is close ...to manipulate for position, or elbow shot. It's handy tho it can be used for offense or defence. This is just practice, and I was having some fun too.

Thanks for engaging in objective conversation.
I get it man, there's things I do in training like certain drills or practices to build attributes that I'd never do in a real fight, but I use the drill to benefit me.


Senior Master
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2020
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MartialTalk.Com 🥋 Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community​

I think the second part of this forum’s name should be removed….


Senior Master
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2020
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No one wants to send hate your way, but if you want to engage in serious discussion of your methods, you need to be able to take your ego out of the equation. Many very experienced martial artists and teachers of varied backgrounds participate here. Each have their own nuanced take on martial arts. Most often, there are heated disagreements on fine points and wide generalizations. Much can be learned here if your skin is thick enough to deal with controversy, and you are willing to listen.
This is absolutely true, a thick skin is very valuable, but you don’t have your knuckles flayed to toughen them up, your senior shows you how to strike a makiwara to progressively strengthen them and develop callouses! The tone of some of the replies on here are truly demeaning, and some of those from a moderator. You use the phrase ‘send hate’…hate! And for what?

I’m being serious when I suggest that ‘Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community’ be removed or at least replaced with something like ‘The usual type of forum with minimal policing unless you even hint at electoral politics’. It’s misleading otherwise.

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Jan 4, 2012
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New York
This is absolutely true, a thick skin is very valuable, but you don’t have your knuckles flayed to toughen them up, your senior shows you how to strike a makiwara to progressively strengthen them and develop callouses! The tone of some of the replies on here are truly demeaning, and some of those from a moderator. You use the phrase ‘send hate’…hate! And for what?

I’m being serious when I suggest that ‘Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community’ be removed or at least replaced with something like ‘The usual type of forum with minimal policing unless you even hint at electoral politics’. It’s misleading otherwise.
Just as a general FYI, most of the policing that we do involves private messages/warnings/actions to individuals, not in a public manner. We also typically don't delete messages unless it's spambots, even if we ban someone. So policing does happen, you just wouldn't know unless you're the one being policed (or they're publically complaining about it).

The main reason we do the notes for the political issues is that if we don't do that quickly, everyone gets into the political talk, and also get very nasty, and then instead of a simple note we end up having to hand out multiple suspensions for nastiness..that's something that got learned from experience.

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
Reaction score
Northern California
This is absolutely true, a thick skin is very valuable, but you don’t have your knuckles flayed to toughen them up, your senior shows you how to strike a makiwara to progressively strengthen them and develop callouses! The tone of some of the replies on here are truly demeaning, and some of those from a moderator. You use the phrase ‘send hate’…hate! And for what?

I’m being serious when I suggest that ‘Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community’ be removed or at least replaced with something like ‘The usual type of forum with minimal policing unless you even hint at electoral politics’. It’s misleading otherwise.
Well it’s not HATE, but hate, used in the slang sense. Now I am as guilty as anyone of this. But I call them like I see them. I do in fact hate bullshitters. I will definitely call it out, regardless of hurt feelings. I don’t pretend, I don’t coddle. I am not the most skilled, but I am sincere in my martial arts work ethic. I find it offensive when people lie about their experiences or ability, because they diminish the hard work that honest martial artists put in. Hucksters and charlatans will find that I give no quarter in that regard.

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
Reaction score
Northern California
This is absolutely true, a thick skin is very valuable, but you don’t have your knuckles flayed to toughen them up, your senior shows you how to strike a makiwara to progressively strengthen them and develop callouses! The tone of some of the replies on here are truly demeaning, and some of those from a moderator. You use the phrase ‘send hate’…hate! And for what?

I’m being serious when I suggest that ‘Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community’ be removed or at least replaced with something like ‘The usual type of forum with minimal policing unless you even hint at electoral politics’. It’s misleading otherwise.
To be honest, I think that the rebukes in this thread were fair and not totally off base given the tone and claims of the OP.


Purple Belt
Jul 28, 2018
Reaction score
.... I am not the most skilled, but I am sincere in my martial arts work ethic. I find it offensive when people lie about their experiences or ability, because they diminish the hard work that honest martial artists put in. Hucksters and charlatans will find that I give no quarter in that regard.
I do not think EdwardA lied about his exprience. I personalyy think he has never compared his technical level with modern days standards,

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
Reaction score
Northern California
I do not think EdwardA lied about his exprience. I personalyy think he has never compared his technical level with modern days standards,
Remember that the OP invited responses to his videos, and when those responses came, he attacked the responders with ad hominem. Regardless of whether his claims of street fight records etc. are true or legitimate, he has invited scrutiny and contentions through his own actions. Let the chips fall where they may.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
I do not think EdwardA lied about his exprience. I personalyy think he has never compared his technical level with modern days standards,
it doesn’t matter. If there is a style bashing and fraud busting rule.Then you have to accept what he says on face value.

Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, KY
it doesn’t matter. If there is a style bashing and fraud busting rule.Then you have to accept what he says on face value.
To clarify the rule ... the rule against fraudbusting doesn't mean that you have to accept someone's claims at face value. It just means that you don't get to publicly call them out on those claims. You can ask questions and allow readers to draw their own conclusions.

For example:

If someone comes on the forum and claims to be the 57th grandmaster of the Sasquatch Death Touch Kung Fu school, anointed by the abbott of the East-South-East Shaolin Temple, then you can say "How interesting, I've been studying CMA and Chinese history for the last 30 years and I've never encountered mention of such a school or such a temple. Can you give us more details and point me to some documentation about this temple?" And when they reply "Oh, it was a secret temple hidden in the mountains and no outsiders were allowed to know of its existence," then readers can draw their own conclusions.

If someone comes on the forum and claims to be the winner of a secret no-holds-barred 60 round single-elimination martial arts tournament, then you can say "Would you mind clarifying the tournament structure for me? Because if it worked like a normal single-elimination tournament, then that would imply 2^60 (1,152,921,504,606,847,000) competitors, which would be difficult to keep secret." And based on the response or lack thereof, then readers can draw their own conclusions.

And if someone comes on the forum and claims to have effortlessly won dozens of street fights against multiple armed attackers, we don't get to call them a liar. If that same person then posts videos of themselves in which they appear to have terrible structure, balance, and overall technique ... then the viewers can form their own opinions about the likelihood of that person's stories. Personally I wouldn't bother providing any commentary on the video unless the poster explicitly asked for feedback. In such a case, the video could speak for itself.

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