Last week before holidays and The Gregorian new year

Dec 17

An amazing game Saubhaumnim introduced that uses the sense of intuitive feeling of one's environment as a team!

Using only a container, cotton balls, a spoon and pylons!

Blind folded the first in line uses a spoon to pick out cotton balls from the container and transfer them behind him to the next team mate!

Very fruitful training exercises for skills that are discovered as a Master! Truly a privilege

Also, in this class a few students who had participated in the sparring Promotion Tests received their new belt colours!

Dec 19:

Chest gear adornment!!!

The class practiced moving in succession while simultaneously kicking to move forward

This was difficult to Master, however very fruitful for improving my bouncing technique!

Boojosaubhaum was my partner for the last round and saubhaumnim caught him swerving towards the right as he moved I blamed it on my movement and started once more, this time, he found his fault on his own.

My kicks were not as rhythmic as I'd like however, improvements were noticeable from previous kicking exercises! Slow and steady as white belt is only the beginning.

The Dojang is back from holidays and Poomsae has been the focus of classes!

Jan 7:

Practiced poomsae for most of this class, as Promotion Testing is in a few weeks! I realized during this class, to focus on self training every combination of Maki, chigi and chagi to allow for easy follow through regardless of the poomsae being preformed to improve my abilities. Luckily during the holidays I did take time to steady my stances! So I followed along with Taegeuk il jang and was not completely lost, though much of that is attributed to saubhaumnim giving adequate instruction on movements

The class moved as one - for the most part!

Jan 9:

I have been practicing my poomsae movements and Boojosaubhaum corrected 3 movements that I was not performing with accuracy super thankful for the guidance of a Sam Dan on my movements!

Saubhaumnim created some leg strengthening games through having partners jump over one another's legs to improve speed, accuracy and steadying stance skills from movement to stillness and kicking targets with partners for front kick for lower belt students and tornado kick for higher belt students

Then we played a game of concentration where he played music and when there was a pause each of the 4 stations of the Dojang he had set were a safety point that only contain the number of students he spoke, everyone left on the sidelines must forfeit the game, of course when it was a decision between myself and a black belt, I set myself on the sideline


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Pooja Gulati
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