Zen and the art of mounted archery

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Just thought this was interesting and wanted to pass it along - I'm not an archer nor a horseman, just thought it was cool.


Zen and the art of mounted archery

BendÂ’s Katie Stearns is a rising star in a unique sport that has started to re-emerge in recent years

By Anne Aurand / For The Bulletin
Published: December 07. 2009 4:00AM PST
Katie Stearns, with one of her horses, Jebe, has been competing in mounted archery events all over the world for the past several years.
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Katie Stearns, with one of her horses, Jebe, has been competing in mounted archery events all over the world for the past several years.
Pete Erickson / The Bulletin

Long ago, mounted archery — shooting with bows and arrows from the back of a horse — helped native tribes conquer enemies and hunt for food. It allowed cultures around Asia, the American grasslands and elsewhere to thrive.
That...is...so...cool. I want to try that!!! I can ride, and I can shoot, but I don't know if I could do both at the same time!

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