You're Never Too Experienced to Screw Up


I've been in the martial arts since the early eighties. I'm only mentioning this to let you know that even an 'old hand' can get distracted and sometimes bad things result.

Anyway, I believe I've mentioned here before that I condition my knuckles and my fighters against hard surfaces like a makiwara or tree with rope wrapped around it. Lately, I've been trying to develop an effective spear hand by punching through a trash can full of sand. Yesterday morning, I was distracted by some personal items I needed to tend to, but nonetheless I wanted to get my workout in before I started my day. Boom, on my second strike I failed to keep my hand, wrist, and elbow aligned and my fingers badly bent when penetrating the packed sand.

Ouch, it hurt. My index and middle fingers are badly swollen near the base of the fingers even after applying ice immediately. I took some advil yesterday and am seeing a doctor today. I suspect I have either some broken fingers or some torn connective tissue there.

:( I can't even close a proper fist and it hurts to type. I suppose I got what I deserved. I tell my own students to be fully committed when they visit my dojo. I should pay attention to my own rules.
It happens. Lesson learned.

I excused myself from my iaido class a few weeks ago because of personal distractions running through my head. I'd rather miss an hour of practice then lose my fingers...
Happens to the best of us. In fact, I don't consider the day complete unless I screw something up :)

I hope your hand gets better.

Amen to all of this. I don't know how many times, I've hurt myself by screwing up or not following proper procedures/instructions LOL.

I take it by the number of responses to this thread, we are the only few who have?? Hhhmmm.
I think we've all had brain fades at one time or another.

I remember someone joking once about being a high rank. He said he knew he was a high rank because when he screwed up, it was on a much more colossal scale than everyone else. :)

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