Phil Elmore
Master of Arts

Being prepared for emergencies is, as far as I am concerned, part of "self-defense." Pictured above is the survival pouch I carry with me every day, usually in my shoulder bag. It's made by Pock-Its and contains the following...

- Butane lighter
- Small folding hacksaw
- Victorinox Swisstool multitool
- "Rigid" brand Locking folding knife (selected for its flat profile)
- Diamond sharpening rod in pen-cap case
- Nail clippers
- 2AA Flashlight (equipped with RAM tailcap switch and Terralux Diode retrofits)
- Sewing kit
- Smaller locking folding knife (part of first aid kit)
- First aid kit (containing small adhesive bandages and first aid card)
- Small Swiss Army Knife
Originally the kit contained my first [original] Leatherman tool. When I bought the Victorinox Swisstool, however, I liked the tool so much I decided to keep it in the kit.

The Swisstool, which I discovered when I bought one used from a friend, is a big, solidly built multitool. Tools lock solidly into place and are released using the textured metal sliding tabs built into the handles. Nothing about the tool feels weak, gritty, or likely to break; it operates smoothly and always feels well-made.
The Swisstool has a full complement of screwdrivers, an awl, the usual caplifter and can opener... well as a curved, serrated blade and a nice pair of Swiss Army knife-style scissors.

Oh, and it has a primary knife blade that would be right at home on any Victorinox SAK.

This kit and the Swisstool have seen me through many a utility problem and averted plenty of near-emergencies. I've used the Swisstool for everything from emergency car problems to fixing the plumbing inside my toilet and my kitchen & bathroom sinks. (The phillips-head screwdriver on this tool is particularly nice and very solid.)
What do you carry every day for utility, survival, and emergency purposes?