You can do that with a ukulele? WOW!!!

Ukulele weeps by Jake Shimabukuro

Jake Shimabukuro - "Bohemian Rhapsody"

Hah, maybe I should use IE to see the ukulele gently weep!

(of course NOW it works...)
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I am often mocked for playing the Ukulele, because some people seem to see it as lacking credibility. I find the sound of a good ukulele amazing, and the sounds you can get out of it are only limited by your imagination.

Jake Shimabukuro is technically very impressive, and there's certainly more than a little flamenco guitar influence in his right hand style.

I do find his performances a little emotionally sterile though. I guess that happens with anything where you practise many times, like martial forms.

Emotional content!

If you look into Jake Shimabukuro musical history you will see it starts with Hawaiian (he is from Hawaii) and it goes through Blues, Jazz, Rock, etc. he has a rather wide variation of styles in his musical background.

Watched a show on him on PBS the other night and it was quite good
I love the sound of the ukulele. I plunk around with it, but I'm not good for much more than simple chord progressions.
I have never even considered a ukulele before (and likely I still will not buy one) but I have to say after watching the show on PBS I was ready to go buy one and start "plunking around with it" myself

I forgot to add in my last post, another of his musical influences is also traditional Japanese, he was playing some, rather well on the show