yi chuan


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
79 Wistful Vista
The friend of mine that I had said was beginning the study of hop gar kung fu just told me that the style also includes the study of yi chuan tai chi. Can anyone give me any info on this style.

Yiquan or Dachengquan (Mind Boxing) was created by Wang Xiangzhai (1890 - 1963). He combined the key aspects of Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Taijiquan and over time discarded everything that he came to view as non essential. Gradually, the mental aspects came to domoinate all parts of the training. To emphasize the importance of mind, both in training and its martial use he called his art Yiquan or Mind Boxing.

There are five stages of Yiquan training

1. Zhan Zhuang (including Mo Li)
2. Shi Li (Strength testing)
3. Mo Ca Bu (Friction Step)
4. Tui Shou (Pushing Hands)
5. Fa Li (Fa Jing Training)

It is a wonderful adjuct to any of the internal arts training programmes and you can get more informatiomn from Karel Koskuba's site at www.yiquan.org.uk

Hope this helps

Best wishes

Alistair Sutherland
Thanks for the link. Looks like an excellent style. I was knocking around the idea of joining that my buddies class once I've gained a bit more proficiency in my aikido training. This is definetly something that I would be interested in.:asian: