Yells in forms

Zepp said:
"Kiya", "kyup", "utz", "die", it's all the same. I tell new students who ask about yelling that they can shout "yabba-dabba-doo!" if they really want. (Haven't heard anyone try it though.)

Gee, I should try that one. Sounds better than pow. No, he said today that it is from a Korean 12 years ago. TW
in class if someone is yelling properly sometimes we make them yell embarrassing things until they yell loud enough
bignick said:
in class if someone is yelling properly sometimes we make them yell embarrassing things until they yell loud enough

Well, how embarrassing? we wouldn't want to "lose" the student over yelling. How about yabba dabba doo? Sounds like a winner to me. TW
bignick said:
in class if someone is yelling properly sometimes we make them yell embarrassing things until they yell loud enough

If there is a bad kiup from the class our instructor will either give everyone pressups..or get every one to kiup individually and the quietest row gets pressups!!
Master Ken Corona says a kiap (power yell) should suit the strike. If you are making a quick, sharp strike, your kiap should match that. If you are using a larger part of your body for a slightly slower motion or cutting with a sword, your kiap might extend into something a little longer. I'm probably not explaining it as clearly as he could, but hopefully you get the gist.
Thanks shesulsa, that sounds perfectly logical. Sounds he knows his stuff.
I get pow, pow, pow. Will not even consider it now..(not that I did) Sharp and maybe protracted yell for a longer move. Thanks much, TW
I'm sorry, I just envisioning forms and hearing "pow"...*giggles*....sorry again.
No kidding! He started it out making everyone say pow during a lineup doing techniques going forward and back. I did it for a while then quit. Sounded really bad. Really is amusing when a big 6'4" says pow over and over during forms, picture that. TW
TigerWoman said:
No kidding! He started it out making everyone say pow during a lineup doing techniques going forward and back. I did it for a while then quit. Sounded really bad. Really is amusing when a big 6'4" says pow over and over during forms, picture that. TW
WELL IN FORTY SOMETHING YEARS I HAVE NEVER HEARD THE WORD POW AS A KIAP, sorry for the caps frustrate me when poeple expacts everyone to be the same wheres the individuality of said person....GOD BLESS AMERICA
Terry, that means alot that you have never heard it. You go to way more tournaments than I do. And you've done TKD alot longer than he has --about 23 yrs. even though he was in nationals. Thanks for the input, TW
Just a FYI... some arts (specifically Chinese off the top of my head) use specific sounds in accordance with certain strikes as an identifier of the style to other combatants or as specific qigong with strikes.

For instance in my branch of Choy Lee Fut, we use Yi, Yik, Wah & Tik for striking. Each has a specific place to be used for certain strikes.

Some lineages of Bagua Zhang use certain noises at times, along with some Xingyi lineages too. Again this could be an identifier or qigong attachment.
Its not required in mine but is recomeneded when you get past a certain belt, it adds intensity and so on to the attack and whatever,
I allways like yelling out Anime style right before i attack:
"Jumping Spinning Cresent Kick of DOOM!"
"Flying front kick of FURY!"
ect ect :P

They allways seam to block and counter when i do taht :P
if it's a lighthearted workout and everyone is in a good mood sometimes i'll cluck like a chicken, really loud and's actually effective

because they're laughing at me so hard they can't recover
Gee, wish I could see that...almost could imagine...a big guy (you don't add flapping wings to forms??? then I would be worried)

clucking like a chicken....ahhahahahahhah, yeah that would get me going where pow failed. TW
TigerWoman said:
Gee, wish I could see that...almost could imagine...a big guy (you don't add flapping wings to forms??? then I would be worried)

clucking like a chicken....ahhahahahahhah, yeah that would get me going where pow failed. TW

But you need the flapping arms during the chicken kick.
i'll have to try flapping one time...not to mention sometimes, during the same lighthearted workouts, we have contests to see who does the best bruce lee imitation...

it's actually depressing sometimes...i've seen the kids do it...and they're like..."who's bruce lee?"
No matter what it is you are yelling, isnt the idea of it to catch your opponent off guard???? This is what our instructor has told us.:)
In a sense it is. But I think its for scarring your enemy and also anyone who is watching. A good loud viscious kiai is intimidating as all get out. Especially when used with some inherent MA techniques meaning palm heels (my personal fav ect)
Hey, I'm going to adopt a new kiap, inspired by Feisty, since pow is just as ambiguous....I will yell GAH! Should scare some people... TW