Yahoo: UFC 115 is off in Vancouver? Now it's Cincy?

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
03-29-2010 04:57 PM:The rumblings began a few weeks ago and it looks like it's develop into a full scale storm. Neil Davidson from the Canadian Press is reporting that UFC 115 in Vancouver may be moved to Cincinnati.

A source says the show has been called off and the mixed martial arts promoter is looking at Cincinnati as a possible replacement city. The Vancouver card was slated for June 15 at GM Place and the UFC lobbied hard to get the city to open its doors to the sport.

But it appears the deal fell through because the UFC and the city could not reach an agreement on other details around the show.

The promotion battled minor issues in holding two shows in Montreal and still hasn't broken through in Ontario. It appears more political nonsense will keep it from hitting Vancouver this summer.
If it is Cincinnati now you can really fan the flames that Rich Franklin subbed in for Tito Ortiz at some point during Season 11 of "The Ultimate Fighter." Ortiz and Chuck Liddell were booked as the coaches but rumors emerged earlier this month that it was going to be Franklin against Liddell instead. Should the card be moved to Franklin's hometown if he's fighting Randy Couture instead?

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.