Yahoo: Rome says Lesnar has no right to speak on healthcare issues

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
01-25-2010 06:15 PM:

This is why we post dozens of stories on Brock Lesnar each year. People care. When a casual MMA follower like Jim Rome opines on Lesnar, you know the big guy has broken through with the mainstream.

Rome picks out the Lesnar lightning rod moments from last week's return teleconference and rips him:

"Awesome, Brock Lesnar weighing in on healthcare reform now. Anybody want to check in on Roy Nelson for his thoughts on global warming? Or the guy he beat, Kimbo Slice, for his take on the war in Iraq?"

According to Rome, Lesnar's opinion anything non-fighting is invalid.

"Easy Brock ... stick to what you do best, calling out stalkers and that cats will soil themselves waiting for you to return. And leave issues like healthcare reform to people who know what they're talking about."

When Rome gets an interview with Lesnar before his fight this summer, it'll be interesting to see if he presses the big guy on any of these issues. I say "no" goes off at minus-900.

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.

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