Yahoo: New 'Ultimate Fighter' website full of fights and funny scenes

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
03-29-2010 12:30 PM:To hype up the upcoming season of "The Ultimate Fighter," the UFC and Spike have unveiled a new website that is all things TUF. Every single episode of the past ten seasons will stream off the site, but who wants to watch every episode? (Or maybe you do. I won't judge.)

To save yourself from fast forwarding through every Ken Shamrock/Tito Ortiz shouting match, or every Dana White do-you-wanna-be-a-[expletive]-fighter speech, fights and highlights are broken down and indexed to each cast member's page. For example, if you go to season five winner Nate Diaz's page, you'll find one of my favorite TUF moments of all time, the ping-pong match between coaches BJ Penn and Jens Pulver.

It's a longer video, but it's worth watching for Dana White looking so young, Pulver announcing he's a professional ping-pong player, and Penn and Pulver both breaking under the pressure of table tennis.

Not only do you get to see moments like that, but you can also watch every fight from the finales, including the classic bout between Roger Huerta and Clay Guida, or Guida's equally memorable bout with Diego Sanchez.

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.

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