Oily stool .. the famed "Yóuxìng Fei" Internet Legend... I forgot you where here...
Your quip Gung fu is faltering... you need to practice more .
I bet you have calluses upon calluses on your finger tips and have gone through a couple of key boards since you discovered the internet..
Youxing fei.???? Come to think of it.... that phrase could could be interpreted as a greasy fat concubine too... lmao..)

Both interpretations ... do the same.... one at farm, the other at a court.
I'll swing by in another couple of months.. give ya a cheeky retort... ("Fei" just can't help themselves.. I'm sure there will be something here that smells, that no one will want to look at.... when I come back.
Try not to let your Mascara run after reading this... it's not a good look.
Quip at you later Youxing fei.....