Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Something interesting
I discovered something rather interesting, or at least I think it is, as it applies to Standing in Santi ShiÂ… OK likely I did not discover it but I came to a realization as it applies to Santi Shi and beginning Zazen practice.
Last night I started applying some Zen sitting (Zazen) theory to it. Basically just stand and watch and count your breath. Which means try to count your breaths from 1 to 10 without thinking about anything else. When you realize you are no longer watching your breathes you stop let the thought go, don’t force them to stop, just acknowledge then and let them go, and start counting again at “1” and try again to get to 10, after you can easily reach 10 stop counting and just stand and breath. I got as far a 6 twice in 7 minutes but I never got to 10.
I have been a bit intrigued by a bit of a Buddhist connection to Xingyiquan that I came across in the book “The Xingyi Boxing Manual: Hebei Style's Five Principles and Seven Words by Jin Yunting” he had the line “Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is form” written in his book and that is from the Heart Sutra. Now I am not saying Xingyiquan is Buddhist but I think there is something about that line, without thinking “HEY THAT’S BUDDHIST” that is rather important. Somehow that brought me to standing in Santi counting breaths last night and I have to say it was a rather good, albeit short, Santi Session
I discovered something rather interesting, or at least I think it is, as it applies to Standing in Santi ShiÂ… OK likely I did not discover it but I came to a realization as it applies to Santi Shi and beginning Zazen practice.
Last night I started applying some Zen sitting (Zazen) theory to it. Basically just stand and watch and count your breath. Which means try to count your breaths from 1 to 10 without thinking about anything else. When you realize you are no longer watching your breathes you stop let the thought go, don’t force them to stop, just acknowledge then and let them go, and start counting again at “1” and try again to get to 10, after you can easily reach 10 stop counting and just stand and breath. I got as far a 6 twice in 7 minutes but I never got to 10.
I have been a bit intrigued by a bit of a Buddhist connection to Xingyiquan that I came across in the book “The Xingyi Boxing Manual: Hebei Style's Five Principles and Seven Words by Jin Yunting” he had the line “Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is form” written in his book and that is from the Heart Sutra. Now I am not saying Xingyiquan is Buddhist but I think there is something about that line, without thinking “HEY THAT’S BUDDHIST” that is rather important. Somehow that brought me to standing in Santi counting breaths last night and I have to say it was a rather good, albeit short, Santi Session