wtf tkd

Going to try to nip this in the bud so other answers can focus on your question. There is no longer an organization called WTF-they shortened it to WT.

And they are not a form of TKD, they are a sports organization that works in tandem with kukkiwon style TKD, so your question should be "is kukkiwon style TKD practical for self defense?"

As for an actual answer, I don't train any TKD, so can't tell you.
Thanks for getting that out of the way @kempodisciple.

To the OP, can you give us more detail? Are you already at a Kukki/WT school? If so, can you give an example of some of your classes? Do you have any other Martial Arts background?
The short answer is a school that trains Only WT or Olympic style sparring and forms will have holes and is not strong in teaching purely self defense. That said, the exercise and more importantly the type of exercise you would get at this style of school has many advantages such as strength, endurance, and conditioning. Yes, it is a lot of sparring but to be really effective under most conditions it takes years of training and there are definite individual qualities (such as flexibility) that make it work better for some than others.
I own and have taught at WT/Kukki schools for a long time. Many of them are more wholistic and are excellent at teaching a full compliment of skills. I would urge you to audit a school to find out. If you have zero MA experience this may difficult. A strong indicator would be if ALL they talk about is training for competition.
Keep in touch and give us more info wo we can better answer your question.
Going to try to nip this in the bud so other answers can focus on your question. There is no longer an organization called WTF-they shortened it to WT.

Damn spoilsports too, i loved that acronym.

Main issue i know is no face punching. I would say try ITF based ones. Because they do a lot of sparring, have a similar sports component and allows face punching. All though, different rules and some would probably be bad for fighting, at least you aren't building yourself to not defend your face. 9which everyone hits and targets first)
It's pretty silly to think that the particular style of TaeKwonDo would have anything to do with it. You are not going to have a sparring type situation on the street. It's a strike and get out of there and this can be delivered regardless of TKD style.
It's pretty silly to think that the particular style of TaeKwonDo would have anything to do with it. You are not going to have a sparring type situation on the street. It's a strike and get out of there and this can be delivered regardless of TKD style.

its more about installing habits. You don't know what bad habit you are installing by doing what ever rules are in the sport. Granted i have seen a type of fight, where it resembles milling/karate sport fighting. just witch face punches and blocks and evasions. The two people just stand there and essentially box each other, then move out of range, then move back in and do it again. didn't mean for that to come out as all fights are like that if it did.

But back to the point, if you install yourself to stop when you get hit in the face and dont learn defences to fists to it, it takes a worse situation and makes it worse. Presuming if you are punched from ambush,the ambush is the least of your trouble as you stand little hope in fighting them off. (again didn't mean to come out as extreme) the best analogy i can think of is, not teaching soldiers to break out of a ambush as if its done right they stand little chance of getting out, that would be reduced to none if they didn't learn how to recognize and break out of it. which you need to do very quickly and institutionally or it generally ends badly.
I study both TKD and Kenpo and, in my humble opinion, most TKD is not very usable in the street due the fact that TKDs primary weapon is kicking and most fights I've been in and seen dont happen at that range. The combatants are not trained so they come in as fast as they can with their fists or they try to rush which gets them inside kicking range. Personally I love TKD for the conditioning and workout and I took it b/c Kenpo is the exact opposite so I figured the 2 would work great together. Of course even with that said, I'm sure it all comes down to the school and instructors as there's no reason a TKD student couldn't be taught to not only rely on his/her kicks and learn to be effective with their upper body too. Just most examples I have been exposed to dont seem to utilize it much.
will learning wtf tkd be practical for self defense?

Depends on the school and your mindset.

The School - if your school strictly teaches the Taegeuk forms and WT sparring, then there isn't much practicality you're going to get from it. It's going to be focused entirely on belts and competitions. If the school also teaches a lot of TKD fighting techniques, you'll be a lot better off.

Your Mindset - every martial art has holes in self-defense. You must recognize what those holes are and train accordingly. For example, TKD focuses primarily on kicks. If you know that someone is going to try and be too close to kick, then you can:
  • Train your footwork to maintain your range
  • Train your kicks to avoid being grabbed
  • Train your other techniques
  • Train yourself to avoid fights instead of getting caught in them (the confidence and respect you learn from TKD goes a long way in this)
Then you're in much better shape for self-defense. If someone is going for a tackle, or is charging you swinging wildly, a side-step and a roundhouse kick is a good counter to that.

If someone is using actual footwork and maintaining control while they close in, it becomes a lot trickier to stay at kicking range and not get your leg caught when you kick.
Tell me how Kenpo is more capable of dealing with wrestling and jiujitsu? Do you know how to sprawl (even know what it is?) How to defend on the ground? This kenpo instructor did nothing in the Gracie challenge with two tries.: He offered no more resistance than a layperson.

Ok, I'm not sure if you're posting seriously or just trying to troll. This thread is about the effectiveness of TKD as a fighting style. Not the effectiveness of X style against Wrestling or Jiujitsu. but I will humor you anyway. No, Kenpo is not setup primarily to deal with styles that excell at ground fighting (and yes I know what sprawling is). My dojo actually taught us both Kenpo and Jujitsu so I got a taste of it. Still, Kenpo does teach how to defend against being rushed or having your legs taken out from under you. There's actually a few techniques taught in some of the early belts so I dont know why this particular guy offered no resistance. Guess he should have trained more on that.
That is style bashing, which should lead you to getting banned. Real the rules. You don't have anything in the Kempo curriculum that TaeKwonDo does not. You do have things in TaeKwonDo that you do not have in Kempo however. Do some research before you make uninformed statements instead of going by a sample of 1 (your school)

And you think that's enough against someone who grapples weekly? TKD teaches striking and punching like any TMA, and unlike many of the other ones actually spar, hard, continuous. Some of the other ones don't even spar at all or at best skin touches with stop formats.

You’re getting pretty defensive in this. Nobody is attacking you or TKD in what I’ve read. It’s a discussion.
Curious, I am not seeing Anakronisk's post. I checked and do not have them blocked. Any ideas why?
Posts disappear for a number of reasons. Those can include spam, violations of rules, if they're purely disruptive, posts from banned users, etc.
The WTF style of Taekwondo is unfortunately geared more towards the sport side of things. Look for an old school teacher if you want to learn more about the self-defense aspect of Taekwondo.
The WTF style of Taekwondo

Doesn't exist and never has. WT (formerly WTF) is not nor ever has been a style. It is a sports governing body. It has no curriculum, no schools, and awards no rank.

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