Would you hit a woman who was unarmed?

Would you hit a woman who was unarmed but attacking you?
Woman, man, small child, cripple in a wheelchair, 3 legged squirrel with mange....It don't matter, come at me bro and Imma slap the Hell outta ya with a soggy half eaten burrito. Ya kiddin' it's 2022, people are crazy now days. :)
I'm a 20+ year former street/SWAT/undercover cop. Almost every story I have is disturbing...
When you were on a SWAT team, would you have been less willing to shoot a female target than a male if ordered too? I imagine not. I imagine that you would fall back on your training and do what had to be done ...even if it was deeply disagreeable and disturbing.

Wouldn't "hitting a woman" ...or a feeble old man ...or young boy or girl have to be subjected to the same kind of logic? Similarly, in war, I'm told that soldiers have to do the unthinkable if their safety and that of their comrades is threatened.

I count myself fortunate indeed that I have not had to make such decisions in my life.
When you were on a SWAT team, would you have been less willing to shoot a female target than a male if ordered too? I imagine not. I imagine that you would fall back on your training and do what had to be done ...even if it was deeply disagreeable and disturbing.

Wouldn't "hitting a woman" ...or a feeble old man ...or young boy or girl have to be subjected to the same kind of logic? Similarly, in war, I'm told that soldiers have to do the unthinkable if their safety and that of their comrades is threatened.

I count myself fortunate indeed that I have not had to make such decisions in my life.
Whatever I say regarding using lethal force will likely be hard to understand by many who haven't had to do it. PM me and I will give you a real unfiltered answer to your question.
Just ran across this on YouTube. Cracked me up ...and made me think about this thread.

When you were on a SWAT team, would you have been less willing to shoot a female target than a male if ordered too? I imagine not. I imagine that you would fall back on your training and do what had to be done ...even if it was deeply disagreeable and disturbing.

Wouldn't "hitting a woman" ...or a feeble old man ...or young boy or girl have to be subjected to the same kind of logic? Similarly, in war, I'm told that soldiers have to do the unthinkable if their safety and that of their comrades is threatened.

I count myself fortunate indeed that I have not had to make such decisions in my life.

I don't think that's how it works.

This idea that humans are robots is more of an RBSD trope.
I don't think that's how it works.

This idea that humans are robots is more of an RBSD trope.
Making a shoot decision is definitely better done taking into account the totality of the situation. I agree.
Making a shoot decision is definitely better done taking into account the totality of the situation. I agree.

Yeah. Look I haven't shot anyone but I have had to bash a few guys. And as soon as I step in to the vicinity I am trying to put the odds in my favour.

How can I create a situation where nothing happens? If something happens how doing make it as easy as possible to fix? And so on.

So I am calculating odds, looking at risks and coming up with plans. And then basically work from there.

Rather than some idea where I have some go ahead to use violence because of some pre written rule.

And when I do use violence it is just an extension of that but faster and more risky.

So if I was in trouble yeah I would hit a girl. Untill I was out of trouble.

But I didn't do this treat girls like boys because everyone is some sort of cardboard cut out.

And honestly. When a girl did hit me. I would just hit their boyfriend. Because it was funnier.
I don't think that's how it works.

This idea that humans are robots is more of an RBSD trope.
Robots? Sorry if I expressed myself poorly. That´s not what I was trying to say.

I meant that if it were absolutely necessary to do something like punch ...or even shoot someone for your survival or that of your comrades or family, highly trained and experienced professionals usually do what is absolutely necessary.

Perhaps later, many will struggle with PTSD, but that is another thing.
Making a shoot decision is definitely better done taking into account the totality of the situation. I agree.
I don't know if you were around in the 70s but in Europe especially in Germany there were quite widespread terrorist attacks. It was widely known among the anti terrorist units that the order was always to shoot the females first. They were considered the strongest and least likely to hesitate to shoot so had to be taken out first. Lots to discuss elsewhere in that I imagine 🤔
However I do know from experience in Northern Ireland that one did not assume that women were less likely to attack you.
When there is threat of injury one must defend themselves in whatever manner is required. There are no genders in injury avoidance and survival.
The question is, what level of injury are we realistically talking about?
I don't know if you were around in the 70s but in Europe especially in Germany there were quite widespread terrorist attacks. It was widely known among the anti terrorist units that the order was always to shoot the females first. They were considered the strongest and least likely to hesitate to shoot so had to be taken out first. Lots to discuss elsewhere in that I imagine 🤔
However I do know from experience in Northern Ireland that one did not assume that women were less likely to attack you.
I didn’t know that.
I didn’t know that.
I lived in Germany during the time of the Red Army Faction, Bader-Meinhof etc plus the IRA aimed just at us. We stopped saying we were RAF and had to say Royal Air Force 😁
I've never known quite how to take the shoot the women first, it's almost a compliment in a way because at that time women were still seen, especially in Germany, as being the little housewife. Without being sympathetic to the terrorists it was very clear that what they were protesting about, Nazis still in high political posts, the people still following orders from authoritarian political leaders etc was very much a thing. As they say, interesting times.