Worse Superheroes

Moon Knight comes to mind at the moment. Grape Ape was plain stupid. Almost any Hanna Barbarra superhero was plain stupid... (except Hong Kong Phooey ... or was that another producer?).

I disagree with Greatest American Hero being lame... that was the gimmick, losing the manual and trying to learn how to use the suit. I liked the show.
Plus his gf-eventually his wife was HOT. Connie Sellecca. :D
Arthur on The Tick.

With The Tick being the best superhero of all time.
Marvel's great head smashers Moon Knight and The Punisher. The most brutal anti-heroes in comic history.

Something brought to my attention recently...

Shadowhare and the Allegiance of Heroes. Seriously, google him, or for real fun, www.worldsuperheroregistry.com, my personal favourites include Polar Man, Angle Grinder Man, and Tothian (just for the fact that he says his identity is "secret"... what do you think?)
Night Cat

Night Cat is what happens when Stan Lee is trolling for chicks, and wants to bang some low-rent singer in a nightclub. He makes her a Superhero.

Jaqueline Tavarez eventually after both her singing career and her sucky superhero comics were EPIC FAILS went on to get undressed all the time in old Full Moon/Troma "horror" films.

From the old Saturday morning cartoons:

Super Boing

From the comics:

Animal Man
Chemical King
Fly Man
Merro the Mer-boy
Bee Boy
Air Wave
Marvel's great head smashers Moon Knight and The Punisher. The most brutal anti-heroes in comic history.


No doubt about it they are definitely two of the top tier anti-heroes!

I like comic book character's that have less on the powers and more on the imagination.
A large part of the Legion of Super-Heroes goes on this list.
Cypher is a great choice.
Hmmm....can I get a Speedball?
A large proportion of the Marvel 'New Universe' from the '80s (Nightmask anyone?)
D-Man (I wanted to like him, but c'mon)
Texas Twister
Shooting Star
3-D Man
....the list can go on an on.
Good list, except for Bucky. He grew up to become winter Soldier and then Captain America! One of the few sidekicks that actually live up to their full potential and carry on their mentor's work.
Good list, except for Bucky. He grew up to become winter Soldier and then Captain America! One of the few sidekicks that actually live up to their full potential and carry on their mentor's work.

Nomad too, wasnt he?