Working on accuracy of fists.


Green Belt
I have a problem with the accuracy of my jabs and crosses.
We got these pads with a small circle in the center of each, and when we work on the pads, the two interior knuckles of each fist are to hit the pad in its circle in the center.

I barely managed to hit the middle of the pad today (the circle), so I'm gonna spend the following days on improving my accuracy.

The problem is that I don’t have a punching bag here nor anyone to hold a pad for me, so I was wondering what could I use as a target instead? (Hitting the wall isn’t such a good idea).

It's a problem for me to purchase a heavy/punching bag, since I cant install it on the walls of my rented apartment and there isn’t enough space here for a standing bag.

I'm not sure if such alternative exists, you'll never know until you ask.

Thanks guys.​
A double end bag might be a good option, doesn't have the mass of a heavy bag so hanging it will be easier.

On a budget you could even string a tennis ball up and have a fairly small and moving target to work with.

I wanted to update here on my status of working on the accuracy of my punches.
But before, I wanna say that I really liked your idea of hanging a tennis ball, perhaps I'll try it out when my punches get accurate.

So, I had my first accuracy workout this evening.
I draw a circle on a sleeping bag, and fixed it on a wooden locker I got here, and started punching it, trying to get my two interior knuckles into it (had to refix the bag every now and then, but you need to win with what you got).

During the first 30 minutes, I was jabbing and crossing together with stepping forward with my front leg towards the target.
I barely hit the target, so in the following 10 minutes I was jabbing and crossing from fight stance and it got much better (but still not that accurate).

Although I was glad that I finally managed to hit the target more often, the first 30 minutes took their toll and I was mentally exhausted.

So I'm hoping the keep these accuracy sessions up.

By the way, I noticed that my jabs are coming out more strong and accurate when my front (left) fist is at the same height (a little over the chin) of my right fist when standing at fight stance.
I always had my front fist higher than my right fist, was it wrong?

You don't actually have to make contact with an object to train accuracy.

Put a small mark or dime-sized sticker on a wall somewhere and practice aiming at that square-inch of air located directly in front of it.

Then, get lots and lots and LOTS of repetitions in — like, 100 per day for several weeks. Accuracy will improve.
Hello, Watch the Professorials...they too miss alot....

Ducking,weaving,backing,feinting....good to learn and use!

For actual accuracy of the fist? .....pratice, pratice and more pratice...ONE day you will find the tarkets are in FRONT OF YOUR FIST!!


Aloha, just like bowling...the pins are in front...yet hard to hit all the time..
Thanks for the advices guys :)

I assume that one of the reasons the professionals miss the target with their fists every now and then is because they aim at a moving target, isnt it?

In my case, when the instructor held the focus pad for me, my hits were like 0 out of 10.
So I really need lots of practice, and I must say that I feel that these workouts do help.

I'll try going for 100 repetitions a day with each hand, and see how I move from there.
Thanks for the advices guys :)

I assume that one of the reasons the professionals miss the target with their fists every now and then is because they aim at a moving target, isnt it?

In my case, when the instructor held the focus pad for me, my hits were like 0 out of 10.
So I really need lots of practice, and I must say that I feel that these workouts do help.

I'll try going for 100 repetitions a day with each hand, and see how I move from there.

Another hint: try not to blast the target as hard as you can (yet).


Once your accuracy improves, THEN start dialing up the power.