Won my fight

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
I talked about this in the general section so will just mention it here. I won my match last night here in Thailand. I am very happy but I reinjured an old sprain in my foot and am limping around like mad... and I broke or sprained my middle finger on my right hand and it's swollen to bursting and hurts too much to move. But other than that I'm great! I'm very happy, this will be an experience I will never forget. My opponent was pretty nasty looking too but it turned out he was much scarier to look at than to fight..... or I got really lucky.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Congradulations on your victory.
It must give you great pleasure to know that you have accomplished this.
All that training has proved its worth.
Wow, winning in Thai must be amazing! Was he a local? How was the fight? Knockdown?
Yes he was a local fighter. I won by body knockout. At least that is what people called it. I kicked him in the ribs and he went down and couldnt get back up.

I'll figure out how to get my video up once I'm back in Canada next week.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Cool, you taped it? That would be amazing seen a fight, within Thai arenas!
Congratulations. There would be no other experience quite like it.