The new Wolverine movie is in production and images and trailers are starting to show up and I just have a Wolverine really that interesting a character? I ask this because with his regeneration, his adamantium skeleton and his is difficult if not impossible to kill him and isn't he less interesting because of that. I think the same thing about Superman and the space marine characters from Warhammer 20k, characters who are so amped up that they are almost impossible to kill and seem to have no fear of death because of it. Wolverine seems like a neat character at first, but then I came to realize...he really doesn't have anything to worry about...and so he can kill at will without worrying about his own safety. Not so with characters like Batman or Spiderman...or even the immortal highlander character Duncan McCleod who, even though he regenerates and is immortal....can still die if his head is chopped off. Just wondering.