Wing Tzun/Chun in Texas?


Brown Belt
Dec 17, 2008
Reaction score
Minnesota USA
I may be moving to Ballinger Texas fairly soon and was wondering if there are any classes within that general area going on.. i'm about 45 mn's out of san angelo about 2 hours out of midland odessa... any info is most welcome!
There are several top notch WT people in Texas.
(from the Leung Ting lineage)

Jeff Webb and Will Parker among others. You should be able to google them and find info on them. Good luck.
There are several top notch WT people in Texas.
(from the Leung Ting lineage)

Jeff Webb and Will Parker among others. You should be able to google them and find info on them. Good luck.

BTW these two guys are not on friendly terms with each other any more. Sifu Jeff has left the IWTA-NAS (Leung Ting's American Branch) after running the Assn. for many years and now heads a new organization. His main school is in Austin. Personally I'd recommend him very highly. Very knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. Nice guy too.

Down in San Antonio, you might check out Gilbert Leal who teaches WC and Silat. ?

Also, you might contact Si-Je from this forum. I think she and her hubby are in the Houston area? Anyway, there's a lot going on in Texas. Always is. I hope to get out to San Antonio and Austin this summer myself.
Nab - your leaving the TC? I planned on joining your school within the next week. Hate to see ya leave but you should enjoy Texas. I know I miss it there and would love to move back one day.
Yeah, I plan on leaving TC, but only for maybe.. 5-7 months, I will be practicing daily until my return, and I pray I find a school, It'll be cool to see ya in class, maybe we can practice some stuff on occasion as well before my departure, the exact time when I will be leaving is still up in the air, could be anywhere from 1-3 months. take it easy!
BTW these two guys are not on friendly terms with each other any more. Sifu Jeff has left the IWTA-NAS (Leung Ting's American Branch) after running the Assn. for many years and now heads a new organization. gotta love 'em. Leung Ting's lineage is great wing tsun but the infighting....a litle WT humor.......(crickets chirping in the background), drives me crazy........hello? is this thing on????
You could look up Authentic Kung Fu in the Ft. Worth area. Sifu Steve Cottrell. He is an excellent practioner and Sifu.