Wing chun dvd's


White Belt
Looking for help to buy a series of wing chun dvd's, with so many collections out there I'm not sure which ones are good to get.

Thanks in advance.
Just as a tip, please state what is your purpose. What kind of DVDs are you looking for? Historical documentation of origin? Training video on specific aspects? Form description? Form explanations? A rough overview and summary of what is WC? Training video for beginners? Training video for advanced? Conditioning suited for WC?

More details will give better answers I believe.
For good solid "generic" Ip Man Wing Chun....meaning without a lot of lineage branch specifics....I recommend Benny Meng's series.
Fairly broad question dude. Can you provide more info so we can help?

You may get 'lineage-based' suggestions from us though... :D
Knobbyz, simply put the problem is that there are numerous branches or lineages of Wing Chun. Some are quite similar to each other, others are not. While to outsiders the differences may seem small, they are a big deal within the WC community. So it's pretty hard to recommend a generic set of WC videos least unless you give us some general sense of what you are looking to find.
There's really no need to be so Pedantic. Here you go OP:

Robert Chu - Master's Class Wing Chun Kuen - 3 DVD Set

Eddie Chong - Yip Man Wing Chun - 3 DVD Set - Leung Sheung Lineage

Also, get David Petersen's seminar DVDs if you can. They're great but they're expensive as hell:

David Peterson - Siu Nim Tao Seminar (Wing Chun Kung Fu)

David Peterson - Cham Kiu Seminar (Wing Chun Kung Fu)

For good solid "generic" Ip Man Wing Chun....meaning without a lot of lineage branch specifics....I recommend Benny Meng's series.

Don't even joke about that D:
There's really no need to be so Pedantic. Here you go OP:

Pedantic!!!! How dare you call me pedantic!!!! :mad:

Anyway, the reall question is what is the OP looking for? A brief overview to learn a little about the system? Heck you can get that free on youtube. Or is he trying to actually learn the system cold from videos alone. Not to be recommended. Or perhaps he is already a WC student looking for supplemental material. Then it's very important that he stick with his lineage or he will learn conflicting approaches.

I would say that studying other lineages by video alone might have some value to someone who is already pretty advanced, but otherwise it's probably just going to confuse a student and slow his or her progress. And, some of these video sets are really expensive. That's been holding me back anyway.
For good solid "generic" Ip Man Wing Chun....meaning without a lot of lineage branch specifics....I recommend Benny Meng's series.

No...really! :) For all of Benny Meng's warts and controversies, his video series is actually pretty good. And affordable. It has good production quality and is well-presented. What I mean by "generic" is that he is showing an essential Ip Man system without Moy Yat lineage specifics, or anyone else's lineage specifics. Just good solid info. No politics in the videos, no sales gimics, so chest-beating, etc.
sorry guys, i know nothing about wing chun. Its for my cousin, he recently wanted to start learning wing chun and has just purchased a dummy. I'm looking for a series or set of dvds to cover things from basic to advanced techniques he can learn and practice on the dummy, any suggestions will be helpful.

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