Wife Literally Disposes of Husband's Bit


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
The shade of Loreena appears in this article from the smoking gun based on a actual police report.
Now I can imagine a woman's rage and the aforementioned lady was evident of that. But the details aren't clear because he's laid up in the hospital and she is not talking. In the process of a divorce I'd say this just cuts it too close for a justified cause.
Uh, not for the weak.
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/revolting/severed-penis-put-in-garbage-disposal-836290 and the actual police report... http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/disposed-penis
Ha ha ha ha ha!! This woman has done something I have only dreamt of!! ... With one guy who really does deserve it... I'm not a complete sadist!! ;)
I have to say that I am a little shocked that anyone would think that such an act was justified under any circumstances.
I wonder why she believes he deserves it.
I have to say that I am a little shocked that anyone would think that such an act was justified under any circumstances.

In my circumstances it is more than justifiable to want to see a particular individual suffer such pain, that said, I have neither done this or have any intention for doing so! Although reading a few of the posts on here of instructors and masters abusing little boys and girls makes think that that would be the start of a fitting punishment. Just my opinion ;)