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ok why?!?!? does century feel that we need polyester techno gi's with pockets? does this seem a bit too much to anyone else? and what on earth makes them so damn special that they should cost 79.99 for a pair of the pants and 119.99 for the top... just thought i would rant on that for a little... i mean the camo gi was bad enough but techno gi? with quick release belt? come on now that is just rediculous
Oh, these gi's are for lazy, rich show-offs. The higher cost is to cover the labor that went into putting the extra features on.

- Ceicei

Besides, if not enogh people buy them, then these may be phased out.
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
ok why?!?!? does century feel that we need polyester techno gi's with pockets? does this seem a bit too much to anyone else? and what on earth makes them so damn special that they should cost 79.99 for a pair of the pants and 119.99 for the top... just thought i would rant on that for a little... i mean the camo gi was bad enough but techno gi? with quick release belt? come on now that is just rediculous
Ya know I look at these accessories as another motivation to train. What ever keeps some of us going can't be all bad. Dismiss the buyers of such apperal as lazy rich losers if you feel you need to, but I say so friggin' what.
Sarcasm doesn't show well via posts. Apologize if anyone thinks I'm taking a swipe at "rich show-offs".

Basically, century is just appealing to the human desire of wanting to be unique/different. Americans, especially like--no make that love-- convenience.

I understand from another thread that the pockets were intended to hold mouthguards. I could be wrong.

Essentially, century makes what people request. Apparently enough did request certain features to the point they will market to the masses.

The question remains as how well and how popular these features will become. Maybe they will become a new standard in uniforms years from now, knowing how society likes to "be current and updated" with whatever product comes along....

Traditions have to be guarded and preserved, unfortunately.

- Ceicei
Ya know...

This is the second thread I read today with people bagging on Camo Gi's...

I wear Camo BDU's when I train. :P

I havnt seen the Techno Gi yet... My opinion of the last Century Catalog I saw looked like it was all about selling gear for In front of the camera's on ESPN than real martial arts gear... Of course, I merely flipped thru it, but lets see, some of the hightlights I saw...



Cylume Lightstick Nunchucks (LUKE! I AM YOUR TKD MASTER)

Not To mention the patches... UGH! "Future Blackbelt" "Kicker of the Month" etc... WTH is that all about???

I think the only "REAL" item I noticed in the book was "Bob with Groin"

Ive become sorely disillusioned with their stuff... and if what Ceicei said about them "Making what people want" thats sad testament to the fact that the Sport Arts have devolved into nothing more than Dog-and-Pony shows...

hopefully this works here is the new century XMA techno gi pant i see 4 pockets on the front no clue about the back but im guessing two more back there


  • $xr1tech-lg.webp
    9.5 KB · Views: 158
119.99? maybe not sure what its made of but i think all the screen printing would be half that cost maybe


  • $xr1nos-lg.webp
    17.1 KB · Views: 154
this is my favorite part of the uniform a quick release black belt


  • $xr1qrb-lg.webp
    4.1 KB · Views: 157
Definitely untraditional.

It looks more like the regular street clothes than a gi (dogi).

Maybe that's just it, for demo purposes or just simply converted to be comfortable enough to practice in and also wear as street clothes.
- Ceicei

I used to manage a chain store of "alternative, goth, and MTV Inspired" clothing called Hot Topic...

This looks JUST LIKE an Outfit we used to sell by (I believe) Kikwear. Heh heh

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