Why is there so many sub forums for asian martial arts yet we dont have a dedicated section for boxing and wrestling

There are also no:

- Judo
- Sumo
- Shuai Jiao (Chinese wrestling)
- long fist
- praying mantis
- Baji
- Xing Yi
- Bagua
- ...

I assume to ask a forum to have all MA systems on earth can be difficult.
Boxing is in Boxing/kickboxing.
Wrestling is in with grappling/BJJ/wrestling.
There are also no:

- Judo
- Sumo
- Shuai Jiao (Chinese wrestling)
- long fist
- praying mantis
- Baji
- Xing Yi
- Bagua
- ...

I assume to ask a forum to have all MA systems on earth can be difficult.
boxing is much bigger than alot of the other martial arts that have a dedicated subforum
so the traffic for the boxing/kickboxing subforum is less than than all the asian kenpo?

A little history if you are willing to read and learn.
When this site was first created and started out with a few forum specific areas and as the Traffic on various subjects grew they created specific sub forum areas.
Over time some of those sub forum areas were rolled back into their main forum topic area.
Now move forward over two decades of software and database updates , add in the original owner sold to a group that deals with forums specifically online, one has what we have today.
At one time almost all main intersections had four gas stations on them.
Now over time there are a lot less and not as closely pact. Yes one can still find two or three near each other, especially near highway exits.
The point is that things change over time.
Also many of those old gas stations became Pharmacies in the USA and over time many of those have closed up as well.
When the first grocery and super stores started staying open 24 hours it was because the third sift could wait on the few customers while restocking and cleaning.
Those grew in numbers, and now they have dwindled.
As before if one wants to see more traffic, post good content in those areas, and try to increase the discussion there.
Good Luck
Are you looking for an answer to your question or is there something you would like to see? If it's something you want to see then just come out and say what you want to see in the forum.
A little history if you are willing to read and learn.
When this site was first created and started out with a few forum specific areas and as the Traffic on various subjects grew they created specific sub forum areas.
Over time some of those sub forum areas were rolled back into their main forum topic area.
Now move forward over two decades of software and database updates , add in the original owner sold to a group that deals with forums specifically online, one has what we have today.
At one time almost all main intersections had four gas stations on them.
Now over time there are a lot less and not as closely pact. Yes one can still find two or three near each other, especially near highway exits.
The point is that things change over time.
Also many of those old gas stations became Pharmacies in the USA and over time many of those have closed up as well.
When the first grocery and super stores started staying open 24 hours it was because the third sift could wait on the few customers while restocking and cleaning.
Those grew in numbers, and now they have dwindled.
As before if one wants to see more traffic, post good content in those areas, and try to increase the discussion there.
Good Luck
Having a subforum for the most competitive martial art shouldnt be hard
Are you looking for an answer to your question or is there something you would like to see? If it's something you want to see then just come out and say what you want to see in the forum.
Dedicated subforums for boxing and wrestling
Pretty sure the sub forums have to have street application or they can't be officially considered a martial art.

Boxing is a sport. So........
And what would those subforums be named?
I say we give the OP what he wants.

Hey, OP! To answer your original question, we're all a bunch of narrow-minded short-sighted people who don't think about western boxing and wrestling when someone says "martial arts."

Your move.