White Belt
I never understand why you shy wimpy loners(who were bullied as youngsters) glorifiy Bruce Lee. You guys often worship Bruce Lee as some heroic underdog against evil.
Well here's the reality. The real Bruce Lee was the complete opposite of a heroic underdog fighting for good and justice. Bruce Lee in his youth was a street gangster. No ****! I am not kidding! He is! Research him. He was a real criminal back then. He was the type of guy back then who will brutally stab a College student to death for no reason and then mock, swear at, laugh at, and threaten his victim's grieving family in court while he'll jokingly ask the judge if his victim's life even mattered.
In China, he lead his own street gang named Junction Street Eight Tigers and they fought against other street punks. One real testament to his criminality was when he and his gang robbed a store. One member of his gang even commited shoplifting. What's worse is that Bruce Lee was not born into an impoverished ghetto family. He's the son of rich parents so I really don't understand why he had to resort to criminality as a way to get money. Most of the time, he was the instigator of fights. He's probably some sort of serial bully.
Bruce Lee was a gangster punk in his youth. Basically, the type of guy who picks on YOU shy cowardly loners. Really, he was worse than a school bully. He was a violent thug.
Also, Bruce Lee was popular with girls in his school when he was young. For his whole life, he was never shy, socially awkward, or a loner. He was popular in his young days. He had amazing social skills, charisma, and he was charming to many people. Again, he's basically the opposite of you shy cowardly loners. He was never an underdog. He was the king of high school.
It's really sad for many Bruce Lee fans out there to hear the bitter truth.
In conclusion, Bruce Lee has more in common with the person in high school that pick on you shy loner wimps rather than YOU shy loner wimps. Sorry.
So stop hero worshipping the guy.
Well here's the reality. The real Bruce Lee was the complete opposite of a heroic underdog fighting for good and justice. Bruce Lee in his youth was a street gangster. No ****! I am not kidding! He is! Research him. He was a real criminal back then. He was the type of guy back then who will brutally stab a College student to death for no reason and then mock, swear at, laugh at, and threaten his victim's grieving family in court while he'll jokingly ask the judge if his victim's life even mattered.
In China, he lead his own street gang named Junction Street Eight Tigers and they fought against other street punks. One real testament to his criminality was when he and his gang robbed a store. One member of his gang even commited shoplifting. What's worse is that Bruce Lee was not born into an impoverished ghetto family. He's the son of rich parents so I really don't understand why he had to resort to criminality as a way to get money. Most of the time, he was the instigator of fights. He's probably some sort of serial bully.
Bruce Lee was a gangster punk in his youth. Basically, the type of guy who picks on YOU shy cowardly loners. Really, he was worse than a school bully. He was a violent thug.
Also, Bruce Lee was popular with girls in his school when he was young. For his whole life, he was never shy, socially awkward, or a loner. He was popular in his young days. He had amazing social skills, charisma, and he was charming to many people. Again, he's basically the opposite of you shy cowardly loners. He was never an underdog. He was the king of high school.
It's really sad for many Bruce Lee fans out there to hear the bitter truth.
In conclusion, Bruce Lee has more in common with the person in high school that pick on you shy loner wimps rather than YOU shy loner wimps. Sorry.
So stop hero worshipping the guy.