Why do Fighters suddenly switch strikes well in fact 1 simple repeating blow is hurting badly?


White Belt
I notice in the martial arts community, there is so much emphasis on combinations and switching arms that the principle of KISS is lost.

In some fights involving Rocky Marciano, I noticed Rocky finishes his opponents repeating ONE LEFT HOOK over and over. In fact a common way some hard hitters win fights is by simpler repeating the same type of blow such as a right uppercut or left body hook.

Even some more strategic fighters like Joe Louis won fights because they repeated the same blow over and over in their strategy. Joe Louis would repeatedly use his famous left jab and eventually tire his opponent until they got exhausted for the KO or won by points.

So many prison fights end with the winner doing simple moves over and over like slamming someone on the wall.

I've began to notice this pattern after rewatching Rocky VS Apollo Creed 1 multiple times. Rocky breaks Apollo's ribs, he does so simply by repeating one simple uppercut to Apollo's right side. As in a simple crude uppercut done like 4 times that breaks Apollo's ribs. Apollo was so stunned by the first uppercut he was in pain and couldn't react and Rocky broke his ribs by just doing that simple attack repeatedly.

Later in the final round of the fight, Rocky ends the fight with uppercuts too but this time after the first uppercut, he then follows the combo with an uppercut from his other hand and repeats switching arms until the fight ends.

I know Rocky is a movie and a very dramatized portrayal of Boxing but the way Balboa broke Creed's ribs really intrigued me. I can't tell you how many times a fighter is merely staggering and in a few cases even temporarily paralyzed so hard form simple blow once such as an uppercut to the stomach or a simple straight to the face. In fact common sense would show in that temporary moment while not just repeat the same simple blow and keep hitting him with it in hopes of furthering that moment of stagger or paralysis? Or at least quickly hurt him real hard rather than losing a few seconds and switching arms?

I already listed real life fighters who won by simply repeating an attack over and over like Rocky Marciano's left overhead hook and Joe Louis' jab.

Yet I seen the exact same moment of staggering in other fights but other than keeping it simple, the fighter uses a few seconds to suddenly follow up with a new attack such as a switch from the other arm or leg or a different kind of attack that takes longer to execute. From what I seen this ends up giving the opponent enough time to recover and counter attack or put his defenses up. Even if the following blow connects, the opponent is no longer staggered and a wasted opportunity/

I even seen a few fights where the one fighter indeed keeps his hits the opponent with the same blow that staggered him several times but foolishly switch to a slower attack rather than following with that same simple attack!And thus the opponent gets back and last the whole fight rather than a quick KO. Like in the final moments of Round 15 Rocky VS Apollo where Rocky switches arms for the last combo as opposed to the moment where Creed's ribs was broken by Rocky's uppercut.

Really I don't see the point in switching to different types of strikes if one simple blow is not only effectively hurting him but also staggering him enough to paralyze him from reacting. I mean in some fights where I got my *** kicked, the guy who beat me up simply did a simple crude blow repeatedly such as hitting me with a forward straight over and over to the head or kicking me with some frontal kicks repeatedly! I'm not lying the simple blows were so much faster that had they tried to say follow up with a roundhouse or haymaker I would have quickly blocked or dodged it!

In addition the fights I won so easily were because of crude blows to like merely whacking a guy with my bag repeatedly or continually tackling a guy so hard to the wall until he gets to badly hurt to continue!

I mean don't self-defense instructors say the crude simple techniques are best?From my experiences simply uppercutting the guy continuously or doing jabs to his face is more effective than say jabbing the guy then following with a roundhouse and then rear kick!

Why all this complex technique esp. when the simply blow is really paralyzing the person? I understand using complex combo against an opponent who can take your blows and is fully focused to surprise him but when they are getting paralyzed by one straight and doing straights would probably leave him paralyzed? Legendary champs like Marciano and Joe Louis KISS and many street fighters esp. in prison just use this same principle of "it hurts him alot, just repeat it" rather than using complex attacks and combos!

This extends to even some martial arts sports. I seen Muay Thai fighters win by simply kneeing their opponents repeatedly once they got into a clinch. In fencing some of the top fighters rely more on their fastest attacks rather than mixing it up to strike and thus are often seen repeating a specific thrust.

No combos or switching up (or if there is switch up, its a repetitive patterns such as jab-jab-straight) in many legendary champ's professional fights is what I observed.
The theory is that you are not relying on all your strikes to hit. You are relying on the accumulation of strikes to hit.

The concept of position before submission.
Predictability becomes a huge issue against a trained opponent. In all martial arts and combat sports, if I can predict you, I can shut you down. Newer boxers get used to throwing jabs to see how you react and judge distance, but dont always think ahead about what to do if you move in. It happens in Sport Karate and TKD as well. One time of throwing a technique is enough for a good opponent to have an idea of how you throw it, 2 gives them a great idea, most people wont even let you finish a 3rd. If you dont change it up and follow that up with something, theyll hit you first.

Combinations are a way of increasing the odds that a technique you need to land, will land.You're not trying to land them all, You're only trying to make sure he cant read the finisher.
From a military perspective, it's like this:

Send a small but formidable battalion at the front to attack the bulk of a naive army. Meanwhile, while they gobble the bait, maneuver your main forces to their flank, and let them drive against your initial guys.

Voila. Flank and rear are exposed. Use your main guys to backstab them.

Napoleon, my personal hero, used this to perfection.

Yeah. I know. Parker is going to antagonize me with this. But not a single baby seal will be given.
I found myself in a fistfight as a child. This is before I had been exposed to martial arts. I didn't even know what the punches were called then but I remember the fight very clearly and now I can describe it in language others would understand. My adversary must have prepared because he was able to bob and weave from my jab and cross. Granted my form was terrible as a child so I must have been easy to dodge. I did work out that he had a nasty habit of looking down to duck my hooking punches (haymakers). So I set him up with a combination. I jabbed, crossed, hook punch fake (he dodged all these), just as he was looking down to duck my hook I drove my other fist straight up into his nose with an uppercut. This landed to great effect!

The reason I learn combinations is that sometimes you simply need them.

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