Punishing the victim...
Normally we are outraged when this happens.
When it happens to Western Woman in a Mid Eastern country...
Instead we talk about the believes of some guy in the swamps of the South East, if it wasn't for 'Reality TV' nobody would give a rip and nobody would have ever asked him.
And normally billy is the first to yell 'Sharia Law'
If punishing the victim isn't it....
Punishing the victim...
Normally we are outraged when this happens.
When it happens to Western Woman in a Mid Eastern country...
Instead we talk about the believes of some guy in the swamps of the South East, if it wasn't for 'Reality TV' nobody would give a rip and nobody would have ever asked him.
And normally billy is the first to yell 'Sharia Law'
If punishing the victim isn't it....