Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Dolphins in one western Australian population have beenobserved holding a large conch shell in their beaks and using it to shake afish into their mouths -- and the behavior may be spreading.
Read this
Then this
It's an important and popular fact that things are not alwayswhat they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, Man had always assumed thatHE was the most-intelligent species occupying the planet, instead of the THIRDmost-intelligent. The second most-intelligent creatures were, of course,dolphins who - curiously enough - had long known of the impending destructionof the planet Earth. They made many attempts to alert Mankind to the danger,but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts topunch footballs or whistle for tidbits. So they eventually decided they wouldleave Earth by their own means. The last-ever dolphin message wasmisinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double backwardsomersault through a hoop while whistling "The Star-Spangled Banner".But, in fact, the message was this: SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH!"
Now what do you Think :uhyeah: