Who serves? I would like to thank you!


Green Belt
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga, USA
I would like to thank anyone on this forum who works for the PD, FD, FBI, CSI, Armed Forces ect...

If anyone on this forum who serves in one of these ways or a similar way would like to post, I would like to be able to say thank you. You may put in what way you serve and what country you are form if not from the U.S.A., or I respect your privacy if you wish not to say anything.

If anyone else feels the need, feel free to thank them as well!

And thank you for your service and risking your lives everyday. Means more to me than you know.
Indeed - thanks to all who have served, or are currently serving. :asian:
Ummm, you're welcome? ;)

Seriously, though. I know that I always appreciate folks saying thank you for the service of the men and women who try to keep this country (and others) safe. So, as a former US Marine.... you're welcome.
Sincere thanks to all. :asian:
My thanks to all for the courage to put your lives on the line for those you may not even know or ever meet.
I am a former Marine, disabled in combat. However, like Letch I am still able to instruct. I was in when that crazy jarhead and great friend of mine was as well. I left the Marines medically as a Sergeant.

Thank you for your graciousness.
I'd like to join both ranks. First to thank all of those for their service to their community and/or their country. Secondly to say that I am proud to have served and sincerely appreciate the thanks. :asian:
Hey dude, there is no such thing as former. You either got a dishonorable therefore are not a Marine or you left medically or honorably whatever and are just out of uniform.

For pete sake man I thought you knew better than that. LOL

Ummm, you're welcome? ;)

Seriously, though. I know that I always appreciate folks saying thank you for the service of the men and women who try to keep this country (and others) safe. So, as a former US Marine.... you're welcome.