White people find, black people loot...

I think that is the wrong link. It goes to a flash movie about not being able to afford gasoline.

In any case I have seen the photos and captions you are talking about. They were from two separate news sources / reporters, and have really nothing to do with each other. Somebody just put them together and decided to make a huge deal over it. Had the pics and captions come from a single source, it would be worth mentioning, but as it is, it really seems to be making something out of nothing.

Then again I am white and reletively conservatinve, so probably an automatic rasicst.
I got the flash movie too. Don't know about any racial issues.

Sounds like my country alright. And that damn Toyota Previa...
Yeah... two separate reports, one about a White guy who "finds" food,

One about a Black man who "Finds Sneakers"

Someone put them together to say look how racist we are.

Bet if the White Guy had the sneakers and the Black guy had the food, we wouldnt be having this discussion.
Loki said:
I got the flash movie too. Don't know about any racial issues.

Sounds like my country alright. And that damn Toyota Previa...

Sorry. I cut and pasted two links here on MT, and apparently that one didn't take. Sometimes when I jump from a Mac to a PC I hit the wrong cut and paste keys.

The story showed two perspectives. A black person up to his chest carrying food was described as "looting," whereas two white people doing the same thing were described as "finding food."

And now, darn it, I can't find the link.

Elsewhere reports indicate that black people were forced to stand by and watch as National Guardsmen brought in buses to evacuate people staying at nicer hotels. They weren't allowed to leave.

This is likely the worst national disaster in over a hundred years.


Yeah: (Bold Mine)

I wrote the caption about the two people who 'found' the items. I believed in my opinion, that they did simply find them, and not 'looted' them in the definition of the word. The people were swimming in chest deep water, and there were other people in the water, both white and black. I looked for the best picture. there were a million items floating in the water — we were right near a grocery store that had 5+ feet of water in it. it had no doors. the water was moving, and the stuff was floating away. These people were not ducking into a store and busting down windows to get electronics. They picked up bread and cokes that were floating in the water. They would have floated away anyhow.
What kind of ideological looter takes the opportunity to turn the death of thousands, in to a racial issue, for no other reason to advance an agenda?
this entire ordeal has been politicized to death by both sides. it's rather sickening that we do this. failing to come together or unite in a time of disaster like this. it really makes you wonder if we as American's are even a civilized society. i remember reading an article a couple days ago (can't remember where but if anyone else finds it, post a link) where the leaders of tsunami stricken sri lanka were just floored that these things happen in the most powerful country on the planet. they particularly noted the rapes, sexual harrassment on refugees, the shooting at rescuers, robbery and looting, and our nation's political divide and blame throwing at a time like this. it's pathetic and embarrassing. i thought we were better people than this. you didn't hear about this stuff after the tsunami, or even after the numerous devastating earthquakes in japan or elsewhere. makes you wonder who's more civilized...
I have a theory that political decency truly died in Spain, with the train bombings. Prior to that, even on 9/11, the opposition party tried to deal with the crisis with unity. The left in America did not take the opportunity to politicize 9/11, not until far later. They responded with decency and unity with the right in America, and both acted with a common purpose.

However, the socialist party in Spain INSTANTLY took the offensive to criticize the President of Spain, and succeeded in swaying public opinion, winning for themselves control of the government in the following election.

I think political groups all over the world took note and decided they have far more to gain by exploiting disaster, than by decency and unity.

Regardless of what people think politically, we should be repulsed by the notion of political looting and opportunism. What does that say about us as a country? That we don't have enough common ground to come together in a time of crisis? That we can't stop our political bickering long enough to bury the dead and help the survivors? It sickens me.
You know, I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can take find anything that will support any side of the argument. I've looked at those who have the "white people find, black people loot" pictures, and guess what? THOSE ARE THE ONLY 2 PICTURES THAT HAVE BEEN SHOWN FOR THIS (to my knowledge, through where I've been looking anyway, if i'm wrong, please show me so). When a person needs food in a crisis, they have to get it whereever they can. It's not exactly like they can go into the store and buy the water, is it? Now, I think when people refer to looting, they mean the people going into stores for tv's, purses, stereos, etc. THAT'S looting.
Now people are politicizing the word "refugee"? Jesse Jackson said, "It is racist to call American citizens refugees".

What in the world do you call people who have been driven from their homes with only the clothes on their backs, unsure if they will ever be able to return, and forced to build a new life in a strange place?

Bill Lear said:
Now people are politicizing the word "refugee"? Jesse Jackson said, "It is racist to call American citizens refugees".

What in the world do you call people who have been driven from their homes with only the clothes on their backs, unsure if they will ever be able to return, and forced to build a new life in a strange place?

How is the world is it racist to refer to the folks run out of their homes by the hurricane as refugees if you're referring to ALL of them, not the minorities? Just another example of Jackson using the people he is supposed to represent most closely as political fodder for his machine.