During the republican debate with George stephanopolous as one of the questioners, it went of on, at the time, what seemed a really odd tangent. Georgie asked Mitt Romney a question about contraception rights. Now, this issue isn't even on the radar at this point in the campaign, and Romney is perplexed about the obsessive questioning about it from little georgie. Well, now, we know why georgie went after this issue so much. The white house went after the catholic church on providing free contraception to its employees. This issue was about sticking it to the church while at the same time putting a wedge issue up between women voters and republicans.
The real story is that George stephonopolous brought up the issue before the white house launched its attack. This story is just now breaking on conservative sites, I was listening Rush today when he mentioned the timing of the issue at the debate. Is the MSM colluding with the white house on this issue? The answer is obviously yes.
Here is the video of the question at the debate, check the date and check out how obsessive George stephanopolous is on this, at the time, nonsensical question was...
Other MSM outlets are now going after the republicans as being against a woman being able to get free contraception, vs. the issue of the president dictating what religous institutions are forced to cover in their insurance policies...
The real story is that George stephonopolous brought up the issue before the white house launched its attack. This story is just now breaking on conservative sites, I was listening Rush today when he mentioned the timing of the issue at the debate. Is the MSM colluding with the white house on this issue? The answer is obviously yes.
Here is the video of the question at the debate, check the date and check out how obsessive George stephanopolous is on this, at the time, nonsensical question was...
Other MSM outlets are now going after the republicans as being against a woman being able to get free contraception, vs. the issue of the president dictating what religous institutions are forced to cover in their insurance policies...
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