Gemini said:
Whoa! Just grasping the thought behind that comment is mind boggling. You were so driven to study that art you went half way across the country. For you to give that up, it sounds like calling him a madman is an extreme understatement. Sounds like the let down of the century. I think before I ever complain about anything again, I'm going to think of you!
Yeah, it was pretty intense. It is a rare style in the US, and I moved to San Francisco from Wisconsin because this is where most of the good teachers are. This particular instructor had connections to the group in Wisconsin where I was introduced to the art, so I checked him out first. Basically, I was pretty fresh out of college and looking for a place to plant my roots and make my home, so I decided San Francisco sounded good since I had some family in the area and it would enable me to train with this teacher and in this style. He had a reputation for being somewhat hard to deal with, but I figured I would give him a try anyway.
Well, one day he came in to class in a really weird mood. We spent the first hour and a half or so doing set after set of situps, pushups, and leg squats. I mean hundreds and hundreds of them. And it wasn't in the context of "hey, let's train hard and get good", but rather "I am a pissed-off raving sadistic lunatic and it's time for you people to suffer".
So after we suffered thru that and everyone's legs and arms felt like melting jello, we started to train. Of course under the circumstances everyone's technique was lousy. So now he would blow up at someone for having lousy technique, and scream "YOU, INTO THE CORNER, 100 MORE PUSHUPS!" and it just went on and on and on.
So then as class was finishing, he started screaming, I mean really shouting, but at nobody that I could figure out, crazy stuff like "YOU SHUT UP! YOU GET OUT OF HERE! YOU LEAVE MY STUDENTS ALONE! LEAVE MY STUDENTS ALONE!!", practically foaming at the mouth, and this is in front of a class of 30 or so people. All I could figure out was that he was screaming at the voices in his head, or something. This was when I new it was time to find a new teacher.
luckily I did find another one in the same system, that I was happy with. I trained with that group for several years. But seriously, I decided that if I wasn't happy with any other teachers in the area, then I would find something else to do instead. Lucky for me there is a huge variety to choose from here in San Francisco.
Funny thing, this maniac has a really big following, with some very skilled people. I really don't understand it.
Well, that is my story of my time spent with a madman. Hope you all enjoyed it.