Where is the Christmas spirit?

Gordon Nore

Senior Master
May 26, 2007
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My Christmas Spirit came and went during ten minutes of watching the news...

Exhibit A
First White House Chrismukkah cards accidentally sent


Why this was on the news tonight I have no idea -- the story is a month old. I dug further to discover that some hack at foolocracy.com had embolism over the gaff White House Sends Out Christmas Tree Themed Hanukkah Cards, and only one reader has commented on this since November 27.

Holy crap. It's just a tree. Christmas trees are not anti-Jewish, or anti-Israel. They're not even Christian. It's a stupid mistake, but it has a certain oafish charm to it. However, in the spirit of the Season, I now feel sorry for the Bushes.

Exhibit B
"Impeach Bush" Ornament Accepted To Hang On White House Christmas Tree

Just when I start feeling sorry for the President, another flip flop:

** 3:20 p.m. This story updated here: White House Won't Hang Christmas Impeachment Ornament. **

The White House could have saved some embarrassment by allowing the artist to attend the reception and then later returning the ornament to her. Like the lady said, there is a time and a place to be partisan but not on Christmas tree ornaments.
The White House could have saved some embarrassment by allowing the artist to attend the reception and then later returning the ornament to her. Like the lady said, there is a time and a place to be partisan but not on Christmas tree ornaments.

Somewhere in one of the two links it says she is on the guest list, which shows grace under pressure.

Lawrence is still slated to attended a White House reception for the artists this afternoon.

It doesn't say anywhere how the story broke. No doubt, a set-up.