Whats on your resolution list 08?


Purple Belt
For New Years do you have any resolutions? I have a few but they seem so redundant, so I've got to get some fresh ones. What are yours for 08?

- Drop 60 lbs by summer and hit gym 3x a week minimal.
- Win lotto and move :D
- Learn a new art, currently leaning towards Yang Tai Chi and Chi Kung.
- Win lotto and move :D

That's not a resolution - that's a wish!

I quit making resolutions a long time ago - but I intend to practice more now that my basement is largely set up for it, and I intend to get more exercise in general, starting with the rowing machine I'm taking home from my mother's house (and please don't ask why my mother had a rowing machine... I'm not sure myself). I intend to continue to lose weight, both with the increased exercise and continuing to improve my diet - but that's going to have to wait until I'm home; driving 13 hours lends itself to poor eating habits, especially with the dog in the car - he'd most likely be okay if I ran into a restaurant, but I'm not comfortable with it.
1. Continue to get better grades in school. I'd like to graduate from college BEFORE I hit 30!
2. Get a job.
3. Join a gym.
4. Get better at TKD.
5. Get in shape-- lose fat, gain muscle.
6. Learn a language.
Same one as every year. Get through it without bumming a smoke from someone and get started up again.
- Get all of my Silat Juru down pat. Not perfected, just down pat. I try to be realistic :karate:
- Keep hittin' that metal bag
- Eat Better
- Finish up my B.A. and get going on my Masters.
- Realize Brahman (hope springs eternal)
- Be like Paddy Doyle (as time permits)
- Brush up on my Spanish
I resolve to not make resolutions..... wait I just made a resolution to... not... make... resolutions.... but... if I I make a resolution to not make resolutions...I...... oh just forget it...
-Get my life back in order.
-Embrace my new job, since I need the money.
-Find a school here in Denver and start training.
-Eat better. Yes, that would be good.
-Figure out my personal life. Its a puzzle right now.
-Get outside more, even though its freezing.
-Improve my bowling average.
-Pay down my credit card.
-Finish paying my car off.
-Explore Denver more, only been here bout 3 months.
-Maybe drink less coffee. Maybe.

-Seems weird to me to think about what I want to accomplish for 2008, guess I spend a lot of time keeping up with the current moment, little on the future. I'll 2nd the wish of winning the lotto;-)

I resolved to drink more, get out and party more, socialize more, and get along with strangers better.

The first one is easy.
Mine are simple...
  • Get back into the gym.
  • Eat only lean meats, fruits and vegetables (no refined crap).
  • Train more.
  • Make this year the first of my regular visits to Japan for training.
So far so good. I actually joined one of the local gyms this past weekend. I was there on Monday at 0500. Tuesday, I was there later in the day because I was off work, and I was there again this morning at 0500. I am trying to get back into my workout routine, although I am taking out some things to shorten my time and keep my total time to right about 1 hour at the gym.

As far as the eating, I am doing very good on that as well. I have stuck with the plan since Monday.

Training is going well also. I have a seminar this Sunday with Rob Renner. Rob is here from Japan and is staying with my instructor for short while and is teaching our class for the next class or two, plus the seminar on Sunday, before returning to Japan. So the year is starting off good.

But.... Damn I am sore! This morning was legs, abs, and cardio. I remember now, why I hated BB squats, they make me want to puke.
1) Drop another 25 lbs
2) Eat better foods (see #1)
3) Increase cardio- and weight-crosstraining (see #1)
4) Run a 10k race by the end of the year (or two 5k's ;))
5) Continue training and teaching MA regularly
6) Get through it all injury-free

So far, so good, though it would've only been ~20 lbs for #1 if I hadn't gone home for the holidays!
I'm going to run the Kansas City marathon in October. Did the half-marathon two years ago but totally screwed up my running schedule last year. It's not really a resolution, just something I'll do if I happen to feel like it.
I feel like I need to recommit myself to what I'm doing. I don't feel like I'm as focused as I should be. Things are going well with my classes and I'm proud of my students but I don't feel like I'm where I should be with this. I have ideas I never followed through with and projects I left unfinished. I need to do something about that. I need to get organized and focused again. Time to get dialed back in.

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