What's on the radio?

Ah, the sound of silence, except for the furnace running to ward off the 20 F morning chill and the wifes coffee pot going. This is the only time during the day it is quiet around here. Later it will be a classic rock station.
NPR at the moment. Later it'll probably be Jimmy Buffet to make me think it's warmer than it actually is!
No music, just the fan of the wood stove, the washer and dryer and the clink clink of cereal being eaten by ravenous wolves - er, teenagers. ;)

But in a moment it will likely be Aerosmith until my daughter slams some System of a Down into my car CD player.
Not been listening to the radio so much lately — mostly listening to my iPod Nano.

But here is what I've been listening to a lot lately: Don Ross. Acoustic (steel string) guitar music extraordinaire.

I was listening to a college radio station show recently called "Night Music" and got turned on to a cut from his album "Robot Monster" called "Bubble Radio."

I also really like another cut from that album "Dracula and Friends Pt. 1."

If you ever get in a mood for music sans words, check this guy out. Very, very cool stuff. An awesome guitar player.

Oh, and I was an Iron Maiden fan way back when ('80s). Saw them a couple times in concert, used to play a lot of their tunes in my band(s). Ah, them were tha days :)