



Fellow posters.

I have updated my profile for all to see. I believe that RyuShiKan now may recognize that he may have been in error to accuse me of being Zhao Dei Wei.

But I had participated in this forum some time ago under the web name "SenseiMike".

RyuShiKan took many opportunities to belittle me web moniker, my training, and my discussion of bunkai. I got frustrated with his barbs and bowed off.

However, I did want to see if this forum would be helpful in my research into the way kata is practiced today, as well as in years past.

Before coming back on, I read a few posts from over the past few months and noticed RyuShiKan was still the same flamer he had been in the past, still receiving warnings from the moderaters reminding him that this was a "friendly" forum.

So I apologize for having some fun at your expense (having to read my long posts).

It would be my great hope that RyuShiKan would avoid my posts altogether. I will strive to have the fortitude to ignore has replies.

BTW, if anyone doubts my rank, I can send you a jpg of my menjo.

-Mike Eschenbrenner - aka Shuri-te
Sensei - Cornell Karate Dojo


You created an alias for the sole purpose of "having fun" with RyuShiKan?

I believe that violates the rules of this forum...but that is the moderators business, not mine.

However, since you feel the need to deceive, I KNOW I won't respond to your future posts.

I agree-

while I can appreciate the fun involved with screwing with someone's head, I am here to learn. I don't much like having my time wasted. If someone is known for being painfully honest and takes the bait and you can see that, why be so unkind as to bait them? Who benefits?
Chu feng,

Not you too. I thought only RyuShiKan would deliberately misrepresent what I said.

You said:
You created an alias for the sole purpose of "having fun" with RyuShiKan?

I said NO SUCH THING and I resent your making this blatant misrepresentation. Your own post quotes me saying I said I rejoined thinking it might be "helpful in my research into the way kata is practiced today, as well as in years past."

When RyuShiKan began a character attack, accusing me of someone I was not, I chose to not to back down but to hoist him in his own petard. In a private email he called me a coward for not offering up my personal information. But it appears you would want me to be a coward and back down from RyuShiKan's totally anwarranted accusation and odd demands that I answer the following questions.

"Where did you learn your art? Who did you learn it from? What is the name of your art? How many years did it take you to reach black belt and how many to reach 5th dan? Which kata do you practice? How many repetitions do you do of each kata? Is there anything different about you art that is not found in other similar arts? What are some of the principles associated with your art? (i.e dojo kun or something along those lines)"

Perhaps it is your experience on MartialTalk that when you ask a simple question such as I did, you get a barrage of requests in reply, but no answer to your question.

What simply evades me is just how you think it so deceptive of me not to answer these questions, when in the past RyuShiKan has made critical statements regarding my background and training.

Please tell me what "bait" was taken.

I know you can't respond since your account is suspended but here is something to chew on...

Nice thing about e-mail...once you receive it, it's yours to do as you please...Here is ShihanMike's note to RyuShiKan:


Chickenshit?? Is that the best you can do? I would have expected a bit more vituperation from you. :)

So now you know. I was really surprised you didn't figure me out from our wonderful exchanges from the past. You got on this Zhao Dei Wei kick and seemed to have been temporarily blinded by your enthusiasm to out me.

But since I was about to bring up bunkai, the cat would have soon been out of the bag.

You see, you taught me well the last go round that you have a remarkable bag of evasive tricks. So this time, it was easy on this post just to look at your all your blather and doublespeak and come up with appropriate categories. I am sure you still have many more up your sleeve. But I am on to you. :)

I may have a shihan ranking in Shito Ryu, but you are the master of the flame.

I look forward to more fruitful exchanges with you.

Sensei Mike, no lets make that Shihan Mike.

I think your intent is quite clear in this e-mail...
I'm done with this thread...

As much as I apreciate your intent, I have to ask that you (and everyone) not post the contents of private emails, especially when we are investigating things. It makes our jobs harder, not easier to be fair.

Shoot them to us if you would (Try n include all the headers, it helps things)


It is not something I do routinely...
In fact, this is the first time I've done it...
...and only because of the intentional deception...
He wasn't just fooling RyuShiKan, but everyone else who took him seriously...

I won't do it again.

I guesss your students would be proud of the kind of games you play on this forum, hay Sensei Mike?

Mike Clarke.
One who is deservedly called "sensei" would NEVER use such a ruse for any reason. He is proud of his art and he represents it (and himself) to the best of his ability at all times.

Further, he is proud of his martial arts ancestry and will readily state who his teachers are and have been, who promoted him to his current grade, and so forth. Refusal to answer such simple and direct questions, or trying to avoid responding to such queries is NOT the behavior of a true "sensei."

RyuShihkan asked such questions. Shuri-Te did his best to avoid providing answers.

That says it all.