what would cause one to be demoted ?

Sleeping with the instructors wife?
You can be demoted if you are kyu rank and have not kept up with your training for some time, if the system is restructured or when you go from kid rank to adult rank.
Apparent demotions can occur when an organization restructures its rank system.

I've seen this happen. Apparent is the key word.

On another note, I know of an extremely skilled marital artist who had been training for years. There was a decision by his current Sifu to restructure the way the system was taught differing from that of his Sifu. Note, the system was not changed, just the format of teaching and promotions. This student chose start with the new format. Now, after about 14 years between training 2 ways in the same system, he is almost at black. Though technically, he reached black a long time ago.
I know a founder of a system that stripped two of his black belts of their black belts because of their "evil actions". I don't know what those evil actions were, but he did believe they were bad enough to take away their black belts. Of course they stilll have the knowledge, can't take that away.
I've seen someone demoted for being out of the system for several years, coming back for a class, and then presuming to correct the instructor on multiple occasions in front of lower ranked folks.
is there such a thing ?
Yes. Generally demotions fall into three categories:

Inactivity: You have taken a long hiatus and your skills have suffered.

Restructure: The system is restructured in some way that causes ranks to be delfated for one reason or another.

Behavior or actions that are unbecoming of one in the organization or that cause some kind of enmity between the organization's hierarchy and the practitioner. These can range from criminal behavior to the student going off on his own without the blessing of the instructor.

I had my belt taken away in taekwondo years ago. For signing my own attendance card. You were supposed to put your attendance card in a little box, then the instructor (or, often, assistant instructor, though technically it was supposed to be the proper instructor) would initial them all.

I forgot regularly to put mine in. Then I initialed mine later at home. Got caught and lost my belt.

Mind you, I WAS the assistant instructor. So initially everyone else's card was alright. Initially my own (despite only initially for classes I actually had attended) wasn't on.

Took my belt and sent me back out to the rest of the class. Very traumatic. Took a long time to live down.

Of course, that was two decades ago and neither here nor there now. But at the time, I thought I'd die of shame.

I've seen someone demoted for being out of the system for several years, coming back for a class, and then presuming to correct the instructor on multiple occasions in front of lower ranked folks.

Do you mean 'demoted' or 'decapitated' for such behavior? :knight: