WHAT was I thinking yesterday? LOL!!!


Brown Belt
Yesterday I did THREE classes!

Noon class, kicked my butt, we did so many front rising kicks during warm-ups that the class was grunting 1/2 way through each leg LOL! Then our Master had us doing a LOT of leg drill and an insane amount of pushups and crunches!

We followed up with lunch at a great Korean restaurant though! Several of us students plus the school director and out Master :)

Then 4 hours later, took my daughter to her yellow belt class...car-pooled her friend Kayla there too....

Kaylas mom dropped off some McDonalds for them while I went through the full adult class...once again...I cant even remember how many MORE pushups I did or lunges...or crunches....then during curriculim I was doing Palgwe Oh Jang...1 step sparring...so I was doing a LOT of jumping!

Then the girls did the low belt family class, Then Kaylas mom came to take the girls home then I stayed for high belt class! And again it was BRUTAL! My calves were burning up from all the bouncing! We concentrated mostly on different roundhouse combinations so by the time end of class came around my was just hobbling! LOL I came home and took a double dose of my Rx Ibuprofen just to get a little relief!

This morning Im STILL sore but its not as bad as I thought it would be....I dont think I will do very many triple class days!

Fridays might be the only day since I will be going to sparring now...Im horrible at it and Id like to improve on my agility.
I try to avoid doing more than 1 class a day. In fact, I do 2 classes per week (most weeks) and, if I feel like it, about a half an hour in the basement on Sundays. That is sufficient to keep me as fit as I want to be and to stop me aching too badly the next day.
Well I usually do 2 classes a day and that is pretty good for me and Im not usually overly sore...but I think the instructors had it in for us yesterday LOL! I train about 9+ hours a week, the only guaranteed rest day I have is Sundays
Yesterday I did THREE classes!

I came home and took a double dose of my Rx Ibuprofen just to get a little relief!


If you make a habit of this, I hope you enjoy the idea of dialysis.

You'd be better off in a a hot tub or shower with a normal dose of ibuprofen. Your kidneys will thank you.
Yesterday I did THREE classes!

I came home and took a double dose of my Rx Ibuprofen just to get a little relief!


If you make a habit of this, I hope you enjoy the idea of dialysis.

You'd be better off in a a hot tub or shower with a normal dose of ibuprofen. Your kidneys will thank you.

Im well aware of the ramifications of taking too much Ibuprofen, than you for your concern though ;)

I have Rheumatoid arthritis and thats what the Ibuprofen is for. However I can go weeks without using it. And I did take a very hot shower last night to ease the muscle aches ;)
Shelly it is great to do alot of classes once in a while just do not make it a habit with some of your medical problems.
Thank you for your concern too Terry :)
I do know my limitations which is one reason I took a 3rd class yesterday, I wanted to see if I could handle it...and I CAN, however I need to work my way up slowly to doing 3 classes a day....Im VERY in tune with my body and I know the things that I can and can not do, such as high section roundhouse kicks...I KNOW I cant do it, but I still try...I use that concept for about everything I do and I will NEVER let my medical conditions get in the way of achieving something, I will either find a way around the condition or just modify it to suit my abilities :)