What to do?


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Yesterday was a very rare day in TKD for me, in the evening I was wonder if go to TKD class I was too lazy and wanted to skip class but giving I only train two days per week (tuesday and thursday nights) I grab my dobok and atended to class, even in tha last minute I was thinking skip class.

Don't know why I was to stiff, my joints hurted me bad, my flexibility was cero, I felt unconfortable and sambunim gave a very light warm up and stretching, oh my gosh I was thinking but well I will warm up as the class go on.

However, most of the class was about very high kicks and believe me with my lazy and the fact I was too stiff I got mad, even I was going to ask sambunim to leave the class, I really was too mad about this condition.

I couldn't ask permition to leave, I finished the class but very desapointed and I didin't return to teach the next class, I was very mad believe me.

For me it's very dificult to warm up, the over weight and the age thing does not allow me to do a warm up/stretching sesion of only 10 minutes, I need at least 20 minutes with a good pace to warm up.

Don't know if it was my lack of entusiasm last night or what but for the very firts time of my life I was to close to had an argument wirh my sambunim.

Have you ever felt this way.

Manny, you have to remember that the class cannot be talored for just you. There are many others and your Master must find a happy middle ground for all.

When you find that you need more time to warm up just make the drills lighter until you warm up. So if you were doing high kicks then don't kick so high and let your Sabunim know that you are still tight and are working your way to getting looser.

You already stated that you were stiff and ached before class so you should have taken time before class to use that as extra time to warm up.

Just my .02
Manny is likely just blowing off some steam, but let me offer my thoughts as a teacher on the subject.

I personally would rather see someone miss class than come into my dojo with a bad attitude. It wastes my time and it wastes your time, not to mention it affects your classmates' energy and enthusiasm as well. Nothing is worst than coping with someone who does not want to be there. This is a voluntary activity after all and we all live busy lives. Let's get to work and let's have fun. If you're not feeling well that day or you're having domestic issues that will prevent you from participating fully with FULL COMMITMENT, just stay home, relax, and watch some TV. The dojo will be there for you when you feel better.
there are days like that, Momma said.

Plain and simple. Some days we can work ourselves into the mood, once we get there, other days our mind is not in it.

I, too, do best with 10 or 15 minutes stretching before class, but some days I can't find the time (especially on days I teach)

Have you figured out what you were mad about? I mean, some days the leg just does not get up that high, so I kick a little lower (kicking people in the head is fun, but kicks to the mid section are more powerful)
Manny, you have to remember that the class cannot be talored for just you. There are many others and your Master must find a happy middle ground for all.

When you find that you need more time to warm up just make the drills lighter until you warm up. So if you were doing high kicks then don't kick so high and let your Sabunim know that you are still tight and are working your way to getting looser.

You already stated that you were stiff and ached before class so you should have taken time before class to use that as extra time to warm up.

Just my .02

You are right that's why I try to come early to warm up at my own pace, last night I could not do it. One thing is that we don't have seniors in the dojan I'm the only one and the class is a mix up of kids,teens,mothers (mom's of the kids) and myself.

Last nigh I didn't feel in the mood maybe.

Manny is likely just blowing off some steam, but let me offer my thoughts as a teacher on the subject.

I personally would rather see someone miss class than come into my dojo with a bad attitude. It wastes my time and it wastes your time, not to mention it affects your classmates' energy and enthusiasm as well. Nothing is worst than coping with someone who does not want to be there. This is a voluntary activity after all and we all live busy lives. Let's get to work and let's have fun. If you're not feeling well that day or you're having domestic issues that will prevent you from participating fully with FULL COMMITMENT, just stay home, relax, and watch some TV. The dojo will be there for you when you feel better.

First of all thak you very much for your coments, I apreciate them alot believe me. Yes I was not in the mood and that reflected on me, I should skip the class. Lately I'm feeling a little weak, maybe some stress and lack of vitamins, also my weight and some body aches, perhaps, don't know maybe I should crosstraining in some more interesting, there are some times I feel the TKD class a little boring.

Another thing to consider is maybe you're fighting a cold or something? At my last belt test, I felt "off" the whole time. No energy, hard to focus...later that night I spiked a fever.

Otherwise, chalk it up to one of those days. they happen. It'll get better and training will be fine again. :)

I find sticking to a schedule works best. Go to class unless you are going to are going to die or something. It's like a gym schedule, rain or shine you gotta go. Just take it easy in class.
Manny we all have felt like that and believe me I feel more and more like it
Manny we all have felt like that and believe me I feel more and more like it

Terry can you be more specific? The trut is there are some times I feel I need to do something new, in my dojan there is no other thing that kicking the hand pads (palchagis), almost all the classes are the same, warm up,felxibility and kicking the palchagis with an chagis,bakat chagis,chiko chagis and dolyo chagis and that's all, on ocacions some taeguks and almost cero SD or technik aplications. Al so I'm the only senior in class and a lot of kids and teens that are not into real TKD just kicking high.

Sorry to bother all of you, maybe the TKD that I'm looking for is not the one I'm getting in my actual dojan cause nothing amazes me.

Manny, maybe you should switch to a new martial art. Something completely different like capoeria, krav maga...
Terry can you be more specific? The trut is there are some times I feel I need to do something new, in my dojan there is no other thing that kicking the hand pads (palchagis), almost all the classes are the same, warm up,felxibility and kicking the palchagis with an chagis,bakat chagis,chiko chagis and dolyo chagis and that's all, on ocacions some taeguks and almost cero SD or technik aplications. Al so I'm the only senior in class and a lot of kids and teens that are not into real TKD just kicking high.

Sorry to bother all of you, maybe the TKD that I'm looking for is not the one I'm getting in my actual dojan cause nothing amazes me.


Hmmm, sounds like you are having a burn out (and/or are in nee4d of a little red sports car...)
Terry can you be more specific? The trut is there are some times I feel I need to do something new, in my dojan there is no other thing that kicking the hand pads (palchagis), almost all the classes are the same, warm up,felxibility and kicking the palchagis with an chagis,bakat chagis,chiko chagis and dolyo chagis and that's all, on ocacions some taeguks and almost cero SD or technik aplications. Al so I'm the only senior in class and a lot of kids and teens that are not into real TKD just kicking high.

Sorry to bother all of you, maybe the TKD that I'm looking for is not the one I'm getting in my actual dojan cause nothing amazes me.


Manny, I recall you mentioning your struggles with your dojang before but you had difficulty finding another one that fit your schedule. I believe your school has a sport orientation and that's not what you're interested in these days. Perhaps it's time to bit the bullet and look for another home.

The best reason I would have for leaving is your demographic. If you are the only adult male student there, frankly you CANNOT progress as a fighter. Improvement within a striking art like TKD requires working on timing and accuracy with a variety of partners in size, speed, and strength. If you're not doing much other than point sparring against physically inferior children and teenagers, you're not putting yourself in a position to get better.
If you are the only adult male student there, frankly you CANNOT progress as a fighter.


There is one particular fellow student in my dojang who is really good. This motivates me to have some good-spirited competitive spirit, to try to match up to his skill level. He is also very helpful and has given me a couple nice tips that have helped me improve a lot on particular techniques.
Everyone has off days, Manny. Don't bee too down on yourself.

I do a a 20 minute stretching video a few days a week. http://www.turtlepress.com/Ultimate_Flexibility_Stretching_for_Martial_Arts_DVD_p/181.html

I use it simply to remind myself to stretch every part of my body. If left to me, I usually only stretch my "favorite" parts & then I risk pulling something (like I did yesterday:uhyeah:). I'd recommend this dvd for that reason.

All my best!
Manny, I recall you mentioning your struggles with your dojang before but you had difficulty finding another one that fit your schedule. I believe your school has a sport orientation and that's not what you're interested in these days. Perhaps it's time to bit the bullet and look for another home.

The best reason I would have for leaving is your demographic. If you are the only adult male student there, frankly you CANNOT progress as a fighter. Improvement within a striking art like TKD requires working on timing and accuracy with a variety of partners in size, speed, and strength. If you're not doing much other than point sparring against physically inferior children and teenagers, you're not putting yourself in a position to get better.

Yes, there is another black belt of about 35 years old, he's well built and we have sparred three times, we angaged each other very well, however he trains the days I'm not.

I think is time to make a desicion and maybe fly away to another kind of martial art, I've seen one aikido dojo and one hap ki do dojan, I also thought maybe Shotokan Karate but this is almost like TKD, or perhaps some Judo ( I did a little judo when I was a boy).

One thing, when I spar with youngsters I don't take advantage of my grade, age or weight, I always let the youngsters to make their moves and all and only try to catch them of guard, I never take advantage over the youngsters, in fact some of them have learned from me and they can deliver good blows jejejejeje.

Maybe your instructor could institude a Black Belt training day?
Maybe your instructor could institude a Black Belt training day?

Very dificult, the majority of the students are kids, seniours only two including me.

I'll try not to run, will try to tke things with ease and will try to find another dojo/dojan where to learn not only train, yes TKD is very popular but I feel is mostly for kids and yougsters, maybe I need something more suitable for a grown man. As I told you I find a very good aikido dojo and perhaps a good hapkido dojan, i will do more research and in the meanwhile practice TKD.

Very dificult, the majority of the students are kids, seniours only two including me.

I'll try not to run, will try to tke things with ease and will try to find another dojo/dojan where to learn not only train, yes TKD is very popular but I feel is mostly for kids and yougsters, maybe I need something more suitable for a grown man. As I told you I find a very good aikido dojo and perhaps a good hapkido dojan, i will do more research and in the meanwhile practice TKD.


No, I mean one day a week or a month or however it can be fit into everybody's schedule, when the adult Blackbelts meet to train. My instructor had started those, meeting on Sunday afternoons in the school and leaving everything on the mat. It was only him and one or 2 other guys, but every Blackbelt had a standing invitation. (the Instructor wanted to get into better shape himself)

I mean I don't have the problem, being a smallish female, the juniors are plenty big for me to spar (some are even bigger than me! :eek: ) but there are a couple of guys in our school, who have to really take themselves back when sparring with us ladies. They are easily twice if not 3 times as big as I am! And solid muscle, too (and not even young and agile).

It's an idea you can bounce of your instructor and the other adult Black belt student.
Here's another thought, Manny. If you feel ready, perhaps it's time to find a student yourself to teach. That was the dilemma I found myself in after moving away from my teacher. Every studio I approached in my city paled compared to his teaching methods, knowledge, and intensity. Since I could not find a new teacher that met my expectations, I decided to further my own education by teaching what I knew.

Teaching makes one reconsider every bit of knowledge. If you cannot explain or physically demonstrate a certain technique or a certain nuance to the technique at a moment's notice, you didn't learn it correctly to begin with.