What Sells


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
What Sells I run a marital arts supply store now and I was wondering what you think is a big seller. today i sold supply at a tournament sold a lot of gear cups and mouth pieces
Gloves sell too. Not much big stuff. Tried to sell puzzle mats, not one sold.
Its usually little stuff. Patches, pins, stuffed whatevers for kids mostly. Maybe baseball like caps would be good. Shirts don't unless the design is universal and good design, like a small design on the upper left. (was a t-shirt designer) How about ice bags (cold), roll tape, and band aids? TW
Last tourny I was at, I picked up a t-shirt that I was able to design myself, they had dozen or so applica's and the press. Violal! Pretty cool idea. I also picked up a gear bag and my wife got me a set of Sia's for christmas :)
Well, I buy a lot of:

Gis (must......have........ more......)
Bag/grappling gloves
Patches (dont even use em)
Belts (colored, black etc)
Bokken (and other wooden weapons)

I have bought other stuff, but.....

try to get some of Tito Ortiz' clothing in. I hear it sells good.
I'm on vacation right now but I visited a supply store yesterday (the only supply store that we have at home closed down several years back) and I bought 2 short bo's. I was really looking for jo's but they weren't the right kind. If the bo's are too long then it would be easy to cut them down to the right length. Anyway, it was very helpful to actually be able to have a store to walk in and see the merchandise (I found them through a nice add in the phone book and they have a website too) and VERY helpful that they ship their products to different places---otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to buy anything and would have just tried to find something online. :asian:

Robyn :partyon:
Depends on who your selling too.

At a point fighting tournament boxing gloves and Thai shorts probably won't go to well ;)

Cups, mouthguards, T-shirts (have to be appropriate), key chains, patches.

Basically things that are cheap, and impulse buys, or things that are needed and might be forgotten at home. Or even things that kids will want and go at mom using the whinny voice ;)

Also it might help to have a couple fancy swords or something there too. You probably won't sell them but you will get a lot of people come and look at them, and in doing so looking at all the other stuff you brought.
Zepp said:
I don't know if there's a high demand for them, but a makiwara board is sure useful for MAists to have. And most classes have a use for those shield-like striking pads.
off the topic but those little makiwar boards are a bad idea if you actually like your hands...

Traditional ones are padded and springy.

Anyways, what sells at a tournament is different from what sells in a store.