You could also add our style of Ju-Jitsu to the list. My teacher studied various styles of MA and took aspects from Karate, Judo, Savate and Aikido and created an American style naming it Gen Lee.
Technically, it should refered to as Goshinjutsu because it is a more accurate assessment of what our purpose is as a whole, Self Defense.
I however will always refer to it as what my teacher named it when he founded the system.
I had recently got back in touch with a student who started and is head of a new organization for the promotion and preservation of the original Gen Lee system. It was my pleasure to go to his school and see him and observe what he has done to further our style. The organization is called the Shinriryu Goshinjutsu Seikikai the website can be found at Take a look if you like there's a lot of info and pictures and such.
We are not a well known style, but, Nick never cared about popularity and was never one to want to be a commercial type of MA, basically he just wanted to help people get through life and live well through the only medium he knew....which was the martial arts. Lord knows he helped me, my wife and many others during his time in this world.
Me being retired from operating a school (just teaching a select and private group of students) I'm happy to see that Izzy has taken it upon himself to further our system and continue to train and teach Gen Lee Ju-Jitsu, Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu and Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido.
I am and think Nick would be proud of his perseverance through many trying and difficult situations and setbacks to do the one thing that Nick, Dom, Teddy, Peg, myself and many of our other students and teachers wanted to accomplish and that was to people.