what karate give do you wear?


Senior Master
Hey all I am looking to buy a top quality traditional karate gi. I used to like shureido and Meijin was good , it was softer but not as durable. I also liked the old century iron man but I had the original and I I think they have since changed the quality from the duct canvas. Just wondering what people wear and what's good. Sorry about the title this auto spell correct on my phone is aggravating when you try and type japanese.
I use macho brand, seems like a good gi never had any problems (i could be wrong but I think my instructor preferred it... Or maybe it was someone else but I think It was my instructor)
I like the Juka go, I usually use the silver but if you want to go heavyweight get the gold.
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My good Gi is a Shureido. I think is was a 'shihan' but I can't find that listed anymore. It is like the K-10. My other Gi was a Tokaido which gave me good service for about 8 years before the jacket fell apart.
I like the Juka go, I usually use the silver but if you want to go heavyweight get the gold.
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Fellow Juka brother - nice! I've been recommending them for awhile, now. Tokaido is great, I think that's in the rotation now, but the cost can turn some away. A casual student would do well with even a Juka Bronze.
I had to go look to see what brand it is. It's an Iron Man, it's about ten years old and it's still got some life in it. Always liked Tokaido, too.