Omar B
Senior Master

So it looks like our old buddy Frank has finally rattled the wrong cages and it looks like The Avengers are going to have to deal with this problem running around NY.
I can't wait to finally see Frank put all these dudes in their place after all these years. Frank's a soldier, he has collected his intelligence, he won't engage the Avengers in open battle, he will find and pick at their weakness till he tears them apart. I'm sure he'll destroy IM's armor, maybe a virus, maybe just shoot Tony himself. He's gonna have to figure out a way to separate Thor from his hammer etc.
The Avengers themselves have lost sight of street level crime. They only care about earth/universe shaking threats and Frankly (pun intended) it disgusts Frank (and me too). Heroes out there not saving people?
The heroes that make up the Marvel Comics super team known as the Avengers have banded together to face the foes no single hero could confront on their own. They spend the majority of their time battling villains who can conquer worlds and wipe out entire planets. They usually leave smaller crimes to the police or other heroes that operate more on a smaller, street level. What happens, though, when someone at the street level does something to attract the Avengers' attention? And what happens when that someone is the
gun toting anti-hero known as the Punisher (AKA Frank Castle) who fights crime, but does it with a more aggressive take no prisoners approach? ...
"I don't think Frank is at all surprised when this happens. He knew it was inevitable, but he of course has a contingency plan. He's got a contingency plan for everything. That doesn't mean Frank is happy with the situation though," Rucka remarked. "I never felt that Frank looks at the heroes with contempt. I don't think he looks at the Avengers and says, 'You guys are laughable.' ....
"The heroes that regularly run into the Punisher, like Spider-Man and Daredevil, would have brought him in a long time ago if they thought bringing him in would do any good. As I have said elsewhere and many others have said as well, what do you do with him? Send him to prison? Great, that's a paid holiday for a guy like Frank. The beds are more comfortable, the food is better, he's getting regular meals, and everybody he needs to kill is right there. So what's the other alternative? It's not to kill him. They cannot become him. They're heroes," Rucka said. "So while this series looks like it's been dipped in the heroes-fighting-heroes-sauce, it isn't as simple as that. This is not an excuse for Frank Castle to go beat up the Avengers. Nor is it an excuse for the Avengers to beat up on each other or Frank Castle. There's more going on here. The members of the Avengers will have differing opinions on how they should handle this. ...